Colombian scientist, ANA MOSQUERA RAMIREZ, from Nóvita, Chocó, maintains that biological pathologies in the brain "ARE REVERSIBLE". This means that as long as there is life in the brain stem, which is the most intimate part of the brain, the chance of survival is 100 % and it is not stable vegetative life, but life which by means of the IONIZATION PROCESS the pacient is liberated from the pathological damage during all the phases in which step by step the patient achieves the evacuation and later, the germination of new neurons which will run the whole intellective and motor field. The patient has all these evacuations of brain hemorrhages as an effect of the ionizing charge which reaches deep into the brain mass and detects the neurons that are putrid, removes them and expells them through the mouth, nose, the dermis and epidermis of the skin and the sphincters. These are some of the great evacuation routes of this Scientific Technique. These neurons that are expelled are the ones that have caused a MALFORMATION that could be due to a HEMORRHAGIC OR ISCHEMIC CVA (Cerebral Vascular Accident), OR DUE TO DISEASES OF THE DEGENERATIVE AND PROGRESSIVE TYPE SUCH AS MULTIPLE ARTHEROSCLEROSIS, MOTONEURON, ATAXIA AND MANY OTHERS, AS IN CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED DISEASES, FOR BRAIN ANOXIA OR WHAT IS SCIENTIFICALLY KNOWN AS BRAIN DEATH. These neurons have existed since uterine life and when any brain damage occurs no matter how insignificant the lesion may be, there will always be brain death depending on the magnitude of the neuron or neurons that have been damaged. This is what will be evacuated with the IONIZATION. IF WE DISCUSS THE BRAIN ANERUISM which may be located in any of the Carotid Arteries, basilar or the brain stem; if the malformation is on the third scale, or even on the fourth scale, which is a compromising scale, the patient can be saved due to the fact that the IONIZATION directly attacks the pumping of the sistole and the diastole, it regulates completely the rapid flow that takes blood through the arteries and that malformation that was risking the patient's life is evacuated through the urethra or the vagina and in twenty four hours the patient is out of danger. SUCH WAS THE CASE OF MRS. GLORIA BERNAL CLAVIJO, who after fast bleeding evacuation for eight days, was freed from the surgery room at the San Ignacio Hospital, where there was great controversy among the respectable medical board.- what is an ANERISMA?... The anerisma is a congenital or acquired malformation that is produced in human beings for many causes such as alcoholism, hypertension or an inherited sequence. It is a bulge where the intimal tunic of the artery is dilated and forms a bag where the blood starts to clot until the artery bursts. This is that the fifth scale has been completed when there bleeding that will lead the patient to a stable vegetative life or very likely to his or her death.- For many neurologists, there may be a series of confusions due to the fact that depending on how long it takes them to perform a new brain study. The most appropriate in this case is an angiography or arteriography (detailed viewing of the arteries and their branches by means of contrast x-rays or a catheter); they may reach the conclusion that the patient does not have an aneurism because the artery in fact has already burst and this is what is commonly known as brain hemorrhage. Now in a study as precise as this a bag full of blood will not be seen, but a severe brain hemorrhage that is totally deoxigenated and in fact the patient is lying in bed waiting for his or her death. Depending on the bleeding, he or she enters a "DEEP BRAIN COMA", where there is no consciousness, there is no lucidity, there is no sphincter control, no muscular tone; all the motor and intellective functions are lost. The patient has aphasia (loss of the power to use words), agraphia (loss of the ability to write), loss of the ability to read, remember, etc. This patient, LUIS FRANCISCO MANTILLA MARTINEZ, 68 years old, Colombian nationality, who resides in the city of Bucaramanga, suffered two Hemorrhagic CVA. The first on November 20, 1992 and the second on December 10 of the same year. As a result he was in a deep coma. He was attended at the Clínica Metropolitana in Bucaramanga. He remained in the intensive care unit for twenty days. He underwent several lumbar punctures which contributed to worsening his state. Later he was sent home to die with his family. On January 19, Scientist Ana Mosquera Ramirez traveled to the city of Bucaramanga and applied her own Scientific Method in the Phases of IONIZATION, which were intended to Evacuate the Hemorrhage in his brain.- This patient, like patient Julio Siervo Fonseca, also expelled large amounts of blood through his mouth and later through his urethra and sphincters. On December 20 he was given the following treatment which included four Phases more which gave him a Total Recovery for the rest of his Life as can be seen in the illustrations. The blood that the patient evacuates has a foul smell because it is due to the total death of the brain the moment it suffered the damage. The longer the patient has had the lesion, the worse the smell. This patientás recovery lasted ONE YEAR AND EIGHT MONTHS.- At present he is completely healthy and he does not even fear any problems with hypertension; thank GOD and this great Scientific Method of the LASTRE SCIENTIFIC FORMULA. WHAT IS AUTISM?...WHY THE WEST SYNDROME?...WHY CEREBRAL PALSY?...WHY THE DAWN SYNDROME?... SINCE MODERN TIMES, THESE DISEASES HAVE PERSISTED MORE SINCE THE BABY IS EXPOSED TO ALL THE NEW TECHNIQUES THAT HAVE BEEN INVENTED FOR THEIR PARENTS' SAFETY ON THE DAY AND THE TIME OF BIRTH. If there has been a whole program since the moment of conception until the day of the delivery, why are there so many children who suffer these diseases which cause marital separations but also the burden of the suffering of having to live with biological pathologies for life. The worst thing that can happen to these children is to have the false hope with therapies in which the child is turned into an automated robot.- Autism, for example is not a "CONDUCT", as parents are made to believe. It is a BIOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY that is known as hiding in the capsule of the patient's own thoughts and representations. These autistic thoughts and behaviors have many causes, but one way or the other the mother is held responsible. It is very important to note that the greatest problem that all the children of this type have is walking. It is not a matter of not being able to walk, but that any area is small for all the axiety that they show when they are unable to stay still for a second. When a child is to become an AGRESSIVE AUTIST, he is almost always slow in learning to walk because the first thing to develop is violence, agressiveness and impatience. After five years of age it is very difficult for parents to control what they call a "wild beast" because of the brutal strength that they develop due to the hyperactivity that has transformed him with the mechanism of the therapies and high dosages of that terrifying psychiatric drug that are given to these children. They are echolalic patients, in other words they are unable to handle questions, coordinated answers nor the first person singular. They always refer to themselves as the third person: Do you want to go to the bathroom? Do you want a soda? Don't hit the boy. All this is said referring to himself.- Their communication is very poor and everything they say is incoherent or mechanical language and they never sleep on their own accord. They handle what is called sleep-vigil. There are other Autistic children that also walk a lot; they do not know the limits of danger. These are the manias that they have learned at the institutes through the contact with other children. Their worst qualities are euphoria; they want to eat constantly and desperately; they never feel satisfied. They are also echolalic. They constantly repeat senseless phrases; they want to act like a tape recorder. There are other children that are victims of a bad environment like the routine at the institutes. In spite of the fact that all autistic children walk, these children become lazy; they want to stay in the corners. Of course, because of their manias they do not control their sphincters, they do not speak, they do not write, they do not recognize themselves. They are deep autists, like idiots. Man of them have microencephalia, strabismus and are severe mentaly retarded. They have a very odd behavior. . THE WEST SYNDROME. These are the children that already have a total destruction of their organism. This is that they have a stable vegetative life due to the convulsive state of their brain at all times.- Children who suffer this biological pathology cannot hold up their head, they are unable to sit up, turn around, see or speak. They do not even uter a sound and of course they will never walk.- CHILDREN WITH THE DAWN SYNDROME are even more mechanical than autistic children. All their movements are abrupt; they are 100% echolalic; they do not develop any intellective capacities; they do not control their sphincters; they do not react to other children; they have no interest in the outside world; and their biological pathology is very severe.- These diseases, like others, show that medicine on a world wide scale and its therapies has lost the fight because they will never erradicate the brain damage caused by these diseases with surgeries or therapies as long as they do not carry out the true Scientific Treament of the IONIZATION Process, where we do not speak about a theory; we talk about Practice, something that is proven; and THANK GOD the RESULTS WITH EACH ONE OF OUR PATIENTS CAN BE SEEN. These and many other cases will be found in the first edition of your scientific book "MY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE" for the price of US 30. BUY IT NOW!

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