
A Quality Education for All

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  A Quality Education for all means, that there must be no discrimination, in the basic skills that society seems to be needed for the development of a whole person. The main aim is to develop a culture of learning that develops every student potential without depriving the principle of solidarity and co-operation. The issue of participation in the classroom plays a major role in our society.

Previously we used to stereotype our society into different ‘types’ of people; the productive, white, black, men, women, handicaps and elders. This occurred due to the functions of the society. In our schools many children used to think that the teacher knows everything, and he is transmitting this information to his students. The banking concept means that there is no involvement in the classroom and less responsibility on the part of the student. Initiative is discouraged and students are not involved. If there is no involvement, the teacher is not really teaching, but he is indoctrinating his students.

In my opinion child centered education played a major role in our society, because it is inevitable. It furthers economic growth. We are thinking of a society where all the parts participate. If the parts are strong than the whole state will be powerful. Previously the reproductive sphere was considered as the women’s. Now, both men and women are participating in the productive sphere of labour, exploiting more the human resources and sharing the responsibilities. In the near future, even people with special needs will produce. They will not live on social services only, and work will raise their self-esteem.

Unfortunately our educational system which gives importance to examinations, encourages children to memorize and reproduce material but hardly helps them to be critical and creative

Learning by discovery

The importance of encouraging participation of students



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