

Tree Seasons


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I bid you Welcome!

This Homepage about oak trees was originally created on: 01/06/1999. It was restarted from scratch on: 09/17/1999


Why RoseOak?

I chose the title "RoseOak" for a couple of reasons.
First of all, my name anagrams into the word OAKTREE.
I just rearrange the letters in R.E.OTAKE.
Also, as a homegrown Californian,
I've been aware of our native oak trees for years, and I cherish them.
Secondly, although my name is actually Ronni,
I was named after my great-grandmother, Rose.
Oaks represent strength. Roses suggest fragility.
I simply decided to combine the two themes, oaks and roses, to symbolize me!

Eternal Oaks

Around the globe, one of the most enduring symbols is the Oak.
The oak tree has been considered sacred in many cultures.
It represents power, energy, defense and endurance, sturdiness and long life.
It symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and learning.
Its' acorns are icons of the continuation of life and fertility,
and they are tokens of good luck.
The "Mighty Oak" has been called the "King of Trees",
the "Tree of Knowledge", the "Tree of Life", and the "Home of the Gods".
It is associated with several ancient Gods,
most often those related to thunder and lightning:
Greco-Roman...Zeus, Jupiter/Jove; Norse/Germanic...Baldur, Thor, Thunor/Donar,
Celtic...The Dagda, Cernunnos/Herne; Slavic...Perun; Baltic...Perkunas,
and many, many others. Even in recent times the oak is the tree chosen
to be the symbol for many countries, states and cities.
Oaks appear as or part of the logo for countless organizations and companies.

What's New at RoseOak?

*There is now a page dedicated to newer poetic works.
Submissions of oak-related poetry are welcomed!
See New Poems.

*This year I plan to redo the oak tree listings.
Check out OaksUSA, and Heritage Oaks.

*There are now SEVEN pages of Oak Images.
Contributions of others (drawings, too) will be considered!
Several new pictures are already awaiting addition.
Be sure to take a look at my other pages,too!
(See navigation bar, above).

*You can now search this site!
See the Search Box below.

NOTICE! If you arrived here via a webring and wish to return, go to Webrings!

You're also welcome to check out the links I've listed,
sign my guestbook, or send me an email message, below.




<BGSOUND SRC="midis/book_of_days.mid" Loop="infinite">
"Book of Days" by ENYA

green knot

Merry meet, and Merry part, and Merry meet again.
Come back soon!

Last edited on: 4/10/2006



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Plant a Tree!


Athens Atrium

Tree Leaves

Fellowship of the Earth


Copyright: 2000-2006 Ronni Otake