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leaves & acorns

A Little Bit about Me

I was born in Los Angeles, California, on famous Route 66.
My birthdate is October 29.
It has always seemed appropriate to me that
I was born just in time for Halloween,
and under a full moon, too.
My sun sign is Scorpio. My moon sign is Taurus.
I am also the sign of the Boar.

Besides Los Angeles, I have lived in the cities of
Costa Mesa, Glendale, Panorama City, and San Diego.
All are in California.
In fact, I'm a second generation Californian!

I am happily married. My surname means "Big Bamboo".
I have the greatest son in the world.
It is he who launched me into using a computer.
He made me into the proverbial "monster".
He also opened up for me an entirely new world, and I'm grateful.

I have always considered myself to be a
"Citizen of the World."
Two of my goals/philosophies are:
"Learn something new every day" and
"Make someone smile every day."

The photo below is the closest to how I appear now.
It was taken in July 1999.

Ronni (RoseOak)

leaves & acorns

Some of My Interests

My Rose Drawing My Daffodil Drawing First Rose

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Copyright: 2000 Ronni Otake