


Were the common ancestors of Negroes and Aryans black skinned?


No, the dark hair of most apes and other forest dwelling animals camouflages their white skins. Due to the hot climate that preceded the last Ice Age, the body hair of the ancestors of all races became so scant that their white skins were exposed. Since the ancestors of Negroes and Pygmies remained in the dark equatorial rain forests, they had to evolve dark skin for camouflage (not as you and I were taught, for protection from sunlight, which can hardly penetrate a rain forest canopy). The fair skins of those that left the rain forest helped reflect sunlight, and did not need to be black for camouflage. The skins and hair of the ancestors or Aryans were fair, like that of a lion, for camouflage in the grassland and desert (not in the dark forests of northern Europe). The lifespans of those that lived in the grasslands were short, and a sun tan was all the protection from the sun their skins needed.


Why do Aryans score about 50% higher on IQ tests than Negro Africans?

For evidence of the intellectual differences between races, see and


The common ancestors of the existing races of mankind lived in Africa's equatorial rain forest until the ice age before last ended, about 150,000 years ago. As the climate became warmer, rainfall increased in the Sahel regions of the Sahara, and all but the ancestors of the Pygmy and Negro branches of mankind left that forest to live in the grasslands, where protein was more plentiful.

Were the ancestors of Pygmies and Negroes not intelligent enough to communicate verbally and to create the tools they needed to kill herbivores and keep lions and other predators at bay?

When the most intelligent people left the rain forest, they created a separate gene pool, which was about 50% more intelligent than the one they left behind.

The average IQ of any population would increase as dramatically every generation if only its most intelligent half were allowed to contribute to its gene pool.

Do Mulattoes score higher that Negroes because they are not pure blooded Negroes?

Negroes did not become the conquistadors of sub-Saharan Africa until Hamites taught them to make iron and farm grains about two thousand years ago.

I define intelligence as the ability to solve problems. At the rate it is going, the Aryan race will soon be completely replaced by other races, so how intelligent could it be?


Where did the ancestors of Aryans live after they left Africa's equatorial rain forests?


All but the ancestors of Negroes and Pygmies moved out of the forest and remained in Africa's grasslands until the last Ice Age began to sporadically reduce rainfall in the Sahel. The Hamitic ancestors of Aryans left Africa about twenty thousand years ago, during the coldest and driest years of the last Ice Age.

Before the ancestors of Aryans left Africa, they evolved in the hot, dry grasslands of Africa's Sahel. Aryan's skins and faces are pink and become red, their body hair is scant, their heads, torsos and limbs are long and thin, etc. in order to dissipate heat (not to protect them from cold).

The noses of Aryans are not flat like those of apes and Negroes because a flat nose can not adequately humidify the hot, dry air of the Sahara before it enters the lungs.

If the ancestors of Aryans had evolved in Ice Age Europe, they would have adapted to the cold: their bodies and faces would be hairier, their heads rounder, their noses flatter, their torsos and necks larger, their limbs shorter. Their skin and hair would be darker, for camouflage in the dark forests of Ice Age Europe, and Aryans would look no different from southern Europeans and Semites, who are descendants of the Cro-Magnons who evolved for tens of thousands of years in northern Europe.

Depending on latitude, Europe did not warm up enough for farming until between eleven and five thousand years ago. If the ancestors of Aryans had evolved in northern Europe, they could NOT have invented farming, which is what transformed them from a race of savages into a civilized race.

Cro-Magnon hunter-gatherers, not Aryan farmers, lived in Europe during the last Ice Age. Their ancestors left north Africa and invaded Europe about 40,000 years ago and exterminated the Neanderthals who had possessed Europe for several hundred thousand years.

Cro-Magnons had already populated Europe and Mongoloids had already populated the habitable parts of Asia (and pushed Australoids into its fringes) by the time the Hamitic ancestors of Aryans left Africa, so the Hamitic ancestors of Aryans had to settle in the small forest of Canaan, which was empty because the herds on which Cro-Magnon Semites preyed ate grass, which can not grow in a dense forest.


Why are Aryans the most civilized race?


Aryans are the most civilized race on earth today because their ancestors invented farming in ancient Canaan over ten thousand years ago. Northern Europe and Asia were too cold for farming during the last Ice Age.

When the savage Hamitic ancestors of Aryans left northern Africa about 20,000 years ago, the rest of Asia and Europe were already possessed by the races which had left drought-prone Africa first (Australoids, Mongoloids, Cro-Magnons, etc.). Cattle starve in a forest, so the forests of ancient Canaan were unoccupied by the Semitic branch of the Cro-Magnon race.

Canaan was too small to provide enough food for hunter-gatherers, so Hamites became the first farmers, by consuming, and later cultivating, the seeds of wild grasses, like wheat and barley. Farmers began to breed plants, animals and even themselves in order to make them more beneficial, i.e., "domesticated".

Farmers live in permanent settlements and need security to grow their crops, so they had to remove criminals from their gene pools. Because of eugenics, the homelands of Aryan nations are still the most secure, civilized and powerful on earth. Selective breeding also caused the physical and spiritual characteristics of the various Aryan nations (Germans, Kelts, Slavs, etc.) to be more different from each other than they would have been otherwise.

Some of these Aryan nations bred themselves for both physical and spiritual qualities, like bravery, self-sacrifice and compassion. This is why Germanic people make the best neighbors and soldiers, and are the most generous and compassionate race in the world today.

Some of these Aryan nations also bred themselves for beauty (to be blond, blue-eyed, fair-skinned, tall, etc.), which is why Germanic wives are wanted by the men of all races.

Some of these Aryan nations bred themselves to be giants (Goliath is an Aryan name), so they would make better farmers. That is why some tribes of Germans are so much taller than non-Germanic Aryans.

Peaceful co-existence between the Hamitic nations of Canaan enabled Aryan civilization to prosper and spread into the deserts of the Fertile Crescent (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia).


Where did Aryan languages come from?


Since hunting was the only activity in which people were engaged that required them to communicate verbally, I imagine that the first word meant "hunt", and was first spoken about 150,000 years ago, when people were as hairy as other primates, and had begun to eat the herbivores that lived outside of the forest.

Each of about thirteen Hamitic tribes possessed a kingdom in Canaan and spoke its own dialect, each of which is now known as one of the approximately thirteen major branches of the"Indo-Hittite" family of languages (Germanic, Keltic, Slavic, etc).


Why have the origins of Aryans and their languages been forgotten?


The origins of the Aryan race and languages have been obfuscated and forgotten because Semitic herdsmen, who had the same mobility and other military advantages as Ghengis Khan, were able to raid, plunder and eventually conquer, enslave and impose a Semitic language on the Aryan nations of Canaan. Until recently, anthropology was bound by a Judeo-centric religion, which vilifies Hamites and glorifies the Semitic Hebrews. The ancient Hebrews deliberately destroyed the temples and sacred scriptures of the Hamites. "But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire." DEUTERONOMY 7.5


Why did Aryans leave the Fertile Crescent?


Droughts and Semitic herdsmen forced so many civilized Aryans to flee the Fertile Crescent that Aryans were able to conquer new territories as far east as India and western China, and as far west as Europe.


Why are the Aryan nations of northern Europe the strongest in the world?


The Aryans who entered northern Europe remained the most racially pure and their languages the most linguistically pure because the last Ice Age drove the savage Cro-Magnon population out of northern Europe and into the coastal regions of Europe.

The civilizations Aryans created in southern Europe collapsed due to miscegenation between Aryans and the Cro-Magnon savages that lived in Europe before Aryans left the Fertile Crescent.


Will Aryan civilization survive?


"White flight" results because Aryans are too civilized to compete as individuals with savage members of their own species. Like any other domesticated animal, Aryans have been bred to benefit mankind rather than themselves. Unless Aryans genetically and socially separate themselves from other races, Aryans and their civilization will become extinct, and will no longer benefit mankind, e.g., in Zimbawee and South Africa.