Welcome to the Canadian Scientology critical information webpage. I host several other webpages about Scientology, but with all the information out there about this brainwashing cult that I used to be a member of in Vancouver, BC, from 1988 to 1989, the time has come to specialize and focus on one aspect or area of the complex global issue of Scientology.
A local Victoria/Vancouver radio station, CJVI AM 900, has done two 2-hour long shows about Scientology by local theatre operator, movie critic, restaurateur and talk show host Howie Siegel, who lost a friend to the cult of Scientology. Howie is both critical of this organization and quite knowledgeable about it, two characteristics which tend to go together: as one learns more about the cult, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain objective about it.
The first show was on July 22nd, 1997; read the complete 86kb transcript for it.
The second show was on August 12th, 1997; read the complete 68kb transcript for it, as well.
For anyone who wants tapes of either of these shows, I'm willing to run off the set of 2 casettes for each show. It generally costs me about $5 for the two tapes plus postage and a mailer to the US and Canada for each 2-hour show. My address is:
Martin Hunt, 203-1116 Queens Ave., Victoria, BC, V8T-1M9 Canada
CJVI may be reached at 1-250-382-0900; if anyone wants to get ahold of Howie himself, or if anyone has any other questions about these shows, please email me.
The "Reverend" Al Buttnor who came on the first radio show transcribed above and lied about the true nature of Scientology is in fact an OSA, Office of Special Affairs, official for the cult who has been arrested in Edmonton, Alberta. These are court documents about his battle with the Edmonton RCMP's cult unit:
New:Elizabeth McCoy filed a complaint against the police officers who botched up the investigation into Al Buttnor by using improper interview techniques with the children that were charging the good reverend with sexual molestation. This is the resulting opinion of the Police Review Board in Alberta.
Elizabeth McCoy operates the Edmonton Society Against Mind Abuse, ESAMA, (1986), which can be reached at:
P.O. Box 37045 8712-150 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5R-5Y4 Tel (403) 484-4639
Because of Scientology's outrageous actions taken against its critics, some people are not content to sit idly by and watch as Scientology grinds its boot into people. Gregg Hagglund and other good people in the Toronto area have taken to protesting against Scientology in person down in front of the cult's Toronto organization! These are a few of his very interesting and at times hilarious protest reports and some of the fall-out that has resulted from Gregg's pickets:
In 1970, Professor John A. Lee was commissioned to do a study in Ontario into sectarian healers and hypnotherapy for the Committee on the Healing Arts. 30 pages in Chapter 4 of what has come to be called the Lee Report deal extensively with the Scientology cult in this country.
More will be added to this site in future, including the complete and final transcript for the second radio show and a possible third show with Gerry Armstrong where we will discuss his court cases and legal problems with the cult and the harassment this Canadian has suffered at their hands.
Gregg Hagglund's page all about the protests in Toronto against the cult: http://www.cgocable.net/~elrond/
Scott A. McClare's page includes information on the basics of Scientology debate, what to do about Scientology, and critical articles from the University of Waterloo's Imprint magazine: http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/u/samcclar/
Michael Voytinsky from Ottawa, Ontario, has a page that looks at Scientology Reformers: http://www.igs.net/~michaelv
My Just the FAQs webpage has many of the Scientology internet information files I write relating to the alt.religion.scientology newsgroup, hosted on the National Capital Freenet in Ottawa: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~av282
Also see the ARSCC Photo Gallery on my main ISP, Islandnet.Com, in Victoria, BC: http://www.islandnet.com/~martinh/arscc.htm
Martin Hunt / martinh@islandnet.com / Sept 27 1997
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