At the present,grammar is the study of the fundamental forms of the language with its significant content.

Table of Contents

  • Practical Lessons:
  • Grammar 1
  • Cultural Note:The Spanish Language
  • La Casa de Nosotros=Our House
  • Vamos a Hablar
  • Return to theTable of Contents

    The Alphabet

    The Spanish alphabet has thirty different signs.

    LETTERS and Names
    F,fefeÑ,ñeñeW,w doble v
    H,h(h)acheP,PpeY,yy griega

    The names of the Spanish letters are feminine: una " b" larga= a long "b" (that is,b not v). You will find that the letters "k" and "w" are founf mainly in words adopted from foreign languages and that the sound of "rr" at the begining of the words is represented by "r".

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    Practical Lessons


    The Spanish vowels have this values:

    The vowels a,e,o are called strong; i,u weak.The stressed syllable is not prolong like in English but pronounced with greater force.

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    Learn Spanish the Easy Way

    Before we get into the heavy duty stuff it is good to know that there are words that are
    similar in Spanish and English. If you look closely some of this words, you might
    be able to guess their meaning:

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    Vamos a Conversar con la Gente

    In this section , you'll learn few useful phrases:

    NOTE:As you learn Spanish,you will notice the use of accent marks.When you
    see á,é,í,ó,ú, it means that there is where you make the accent when you say the word.When you say nación, the stress goes on the
    ó.Sometimes an accent is used to distinguish between two words that sound
    an look alike but have different meanings,such as: el,él(the,he);de,dé

    In addition,you will notice that there is a letter in the ABC's that is not present
    in the English ABC's. That letter is Ñ,ñ. The tilde is used only
    on top of Ñ,ñ.This letter is pronounced like NY in "canyon".

    Sometimes you will find a letter like u look like ü in ungüento= (ointment).This letter is pronounced like the w in English.

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    Grammar 1

    Masculine and feminine

    In Spanish as well as in other Romanic Languages,the name of things and person
    fall into two genders: masculine and feminine.
    One thing that might help is to see the ending of the words. If the words end in
    "o",there are usually masculine,for example: muchacho and
    perro . Words that end in "a" are usually feminine,for example:
    muchacha and casa. For this reason,

    I recommend that you learn the articles and words together,forexample:
    Feminine: la madre,la flor and masculine :el padre,el hotel .

    This way it becomes easier to remember what they are and how to work with plurals
    and singular and much later with adjectives- this is when you will need to know
    for sure your masculine and feminine words!!!!

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    Singular and Plural

    Add an "s" to the word that end in a vowel (a,e,i,o,u). Ifthe word ends in any
    other letter add "es".Here are some examples:muchacho,muchachos;
    Try to do this applying the rule:

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    Un y una ("a" and "an")

    un and una are used in the same way a andan it is used
    in English. The only difference is that un is used in front of a word that
    is masculine. As for una, it is used in front of a word that is feminine.

    Here are few examples to help you a little:

    A handbaguna carteraA hand counting to threela mano y los dedos

    Verbs that end in -ar

    Now, do not you worry ,it is not as scary as it sounds!!!!! This are the words that make
    everything "do something". The most of the verbs that end in -ar,follow a pattern. If you
    substitute -ar for o,you will be talking about yourself . If you substitute the
    -ar for a then you will be talking about another person,he
    or she doing the action.Let me show you few examples so you undertand what I am

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    Cultural Note: The Spanish Language

    Spanish is the official language of Spain,Argentina,Uruguay,Chile,Perú,Bolivia, Ecuador,Venezuela,Colombia,Panamá,Costa Rica,Honduras,Nicaragua,El Salvador, Guatemala,México,Cuba,la República Dominicana,Puerto Rico,Paraguay and the Philippines.
    The Castilian Language ( Spanish language spoken in the region of Castilla in Spain) is spoken in several regions of the United States.In addition, when the Jews were exiled from Spain in 1492, they took with them the language and tradicions known today as Sefardí(Sephardi). Today,it is of great importance to try to rescue this Spanish of the XV Century buried in other languages in countries like Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece,Turkey,Israel,North America and Morocco.
    Spanish takes the third place among the main spoken languages of the world with a total of approximately of 200 milliones of inhabitants.Chinese being the first with approximately 490 millions inhabitants and English being the second with 310 millions inhabitants.
    Spanish in known by two terms: Español and Castellano. Español is the official language of Spain as well as in other Countries mention above. Castellano is named after the region where it was born,Castilla. In addition,there are many other languages spoken in Spain such as Gallego,Catalán,Euskera or Basque.

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    La Casa de Nosotros = Our House

    Our house has:

    These are few of the things you will find in a house. Now that we know a little of the words needed for a basic conversation:

    Vamos a Hablar

    When you land in a Spanish-speaking country ,you need few words to get you through the day, specially if you loose your suitcases !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Buenos días,señor.Busco mis maletas.
    Good morning sir.I am looking for my suitcases.

    Bien.¿Cómo se llama?
    Okay.What is your name?

    Me llamo___________________
    My name is_______________________
    ¿De donde viene?
    where do you come from?
    Yo vengo de Los Estados Unidos
    I come the United States

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