Grade 10 Academic: Introduction

This material is written by Mr. Warren and is somewhat specific to his classes. Periods 2 and 4 in room 336.
The program is divided into four Units based on four different scientific disciplines which will be refered to as strands and will be taught in the order listed below.

Extra assistance is available if you ask for it. I am available in the morning from 7:30 to the opening bell, period 2 or period 5. I just ask that you inform me ahead of time, so that I can be prepared, and get a computer if needed.

Marks will be posted on the Internet, all you need is your personal code.

Your course program or curriculum is as follows:
  1. Chemistry: Chemical Processes
  2. Physics: Motion
  3. Biology: The Sustainability of Ecosystems
  4. Earth & Space Science: Weather Dynamics

The ROE for this course may be found at

Evaluation Strategies 2D1

Students will be assessed in these four categories. An assessment rubric will be applied to determine to which level the student has mastered in each of the categories. Students final mastery level will be determined by frequency or mode of placement, not just a numerical averaging. Based on two or three quizzes, homework checks, assignments &/or labs and a unit test per strand.
  1. Knowledge and Understanding ---> Code: K/U --- Value 30%
  2. Thinking / Inquiry / Problem solving ---> Code: Inq --- Value 20%
  3. Communication ---> Code: Comm --- Value 10%
  4. Application / Making Connections ---> Code: MC --- Value 10%
  5. Culminating Activity / Lab Practical ---> Code: FCA --- Value 10%
  6. Final Exam ---> Code FE --- Value 20%
The quoted percentages are used to determine the student's final standing or grade placement.

LEARNING SKILLS: or sometimes called soft-skills The following items will also be rated on the Provincial Report Card according to the following codes:
E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, N = Needs Improvement

For a list of Evaluation Rubrics The Rubric Page

Ministry Levels of Achievement

These levels of achievement are derived from how well you have met expectation goals. Do not assume that these are test marks. Each of these levels is applied to the above four categrories of achievemnt. Assessment strategies for each of these categories will vary. Be very cognitive of the applied evalution techniques used.
The complete Achievement Chart for Science is found at CLICK HERE

Student Requirements

Students will be expected to keep records and accumulate course information in the following methods:

To view a specific strand click on the image or picture.

Final culminating activity will be in the last week of the semester.
A copy of this assignment can be found HERE
Due Dates: January week of 15th

Exam Review

Exam week starts January 22
Science Exam January ???? 2007       June 2007