Discourse in the Chinese Social Context (中国话语研究)
Reading Discursive Transformations of Chinese Traditional Discourse: the Case of Medicine 中医话语跨文化演变的批判分析 吕庆夏Lv Qingxia)
Sentiments and Feminist Modes of Knowing in the Chinese Rural Discourse 中国农村妇女话语:“感伤”作为一种生活的话语 李佳 (Li Jia)
Communication in Small Commodities Market Places in China: A Cultural Approach 全球化背景下中国小商品市场交往方式的文化研究 徐丽民 (Xu Limin)
Discourse in Organizational Change: China Travel Service towards Globalization 全球化背景下中国旅行社组织话语演变研究 金玲慧(Jin linghui)
Discursive Construction of an Imaginary Community: Critique of Taiwanese's Identity 想象共同体的话语构建: 台湾身份批判研究 黄聪聪( Huang Congcong)
Recovering the Voices of the Silenced: A Critical Study of Peasant Workers' Discourse 还原失声话语:民工话语批评研究 章瑜(Zhang Yu)
Discourse of Feminine Identity in the Chinese Consumer Culture: A Critical Study of Media Language 中国消费文化中的女性身份的话语构建 朱春飞(Zhu Chunfei)
Femininity, Intimacy and Consumerism: Discursive Transformation of the Concepts of Love and Marriage 消费社会女性情感话语的冲突和变迁 章瑶 (Zhang Yao)
Teacher idenity and Teacher Development(教师与教师发展)
Possibilities Towards The Authentic Teacher:Investigating a College English Teacher’s Identity 通向真师之道: 一位英语教师的身份研究 郑雯嫣(Zheng Wenyan)
Recovering the Heart of Teaching: A Critical Inquiry of a Teacher’s Professional Life 回归教学本质: 一位英语教师职业生活的批判研究 徐爱民 (Xu Aimin)
Understanding Personal Practical Knowledge: A Narrative Inquiry into a College EFL Teacher 一位教师个人知识的叙述研究 胡春梅(Hu Chunmei)
Understanding Ways of Knowing in Exploratory Practice: RICH Curricular Innovation 探索型实践中知的方式研究:RICH课程改革 郑志恋(Zheng Zhilian)
Understanding the Dialogical Self: A Bakhtinian Perspective on Teachers’ Stories 对话中的教师自我:巴赫金视角下的教师故事 顾敏 (Gu Min)
Nurturing Language Learner Autonomy through Caring Pedagogic Practice 在关爱教学中孕育学生自主性 邵惠娟(Shao Huijuan)
Transforming Pedagogic Dialogue to Promote Learner Autonomy through Exploratory Practice 通向自主性的教学对话:探索性实践研究 朱桂娜 (Zhu Guina)
Understanding Heidegger’s ontological education: A narrative inquiry into professional learning experiences 从教学的叙事研究探讨海德格尔本体论教育思想 刘素青 (Liu Suqing)
Perceiving the Inquiry-based Teacher Change within the Context of the RICH Curriculum Innovation 基于探索的教师转变: RICH课程改革中的发展 熊素娟 (Xiong Sujuan)
Understanding Students' Reflective Practice in Language Learning
外语教学中的学生反思性实践 王艳蓉 (Wang Yanrong)
Discourse in Curriculum and School Organization (课程与教师组织话语)
English Language Teaching as a Pedagogic Discourse: An Investigation Based on Bernstein’s Curriculum Theory 作为话语的英语教学:基于伯恩斯坦课程理论上的研究 徐芳(Xu Fang)
Teachers’ Professional Life and Practices Under the Impact of “New Curriculum” Discourse: A Case Study of Three English Teachers in Middle Schools 通过转变组织话语构建教师学习群体 马利飞 (Ma Lifei)
Teachers' Professional Life under the Impact of "New Curriculum Discourse" A Case Study of Three English Teachers in Middle Schools 新课程话语影响下的教师专业生活:三位中学教师的案例研究 乔丽苹 (Qiao Liping)
Teachers' Professional Discourse: A Critical Study of School Institutional Practice 教师职业话语与学校机构活动 钟彩顺 (Zhong Caishun)
Redefining the Role of English Teachers in the Computer-Assisted Instruction Environment: From Reflection to Understanding 计算机辅助教学环境下英语教师的重定位:从反思到理解 康文红(Kang Wenhong)
Rethinking Writing Instruction: Exploring Writing as a Learning Process 探索型写作教学:把写作变成一个有意义的学习过程 郑春仙 (Zheng Chunxian)
Understanding the Collective Inquiry in the English Teaching Research Group (ETRG) of a Senior High School: a Case Study 中学英语教研组集体探索话语研究 贾志荣 (Jia Zhirong)
The Discourse of “Scientific Research”: A Case Study of University Organizational Stories 大学组织故事的案例研究 朱春发(Zhu Chunfa)
Conflict in Harmony : A Critical Study on the Discursive Practice of Student Behavioral Norms 学生行为规范的批判话语分析 胡云飞(Hu Yunfei)
Building a Learning Community for Teachers ' Self-development: An Ethnographic Study of an English Teaching and Research Group (ETRG) in the Middle School 教师在群体中自我发展:中学英语教研室的民族志研究 卢卫东 Lu Weidong)
Technology Induced Pedagogy in the College English Language Teaching 技术引发的教学:大学英语教学批判分析 焦华红(Jiao Huahong)
School Culture as an Organization—A Narrative Inquiry about Teachers’ Life Landscape in ABC Teachers’ College 作为一种管理的学校文化 王家全 (Wang Jiaquan)
Autonomy & Constraint: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Institutional Context for Teacher Development 教师自主发展机构环境话语批判分析 何永成(He Yongcheng)