September 2000
September 6, 2000
Yes, the school year has begun. I'll spare you and not discuss it. Hearing about the classes of a stranger has to be dry reading.
My life is good. It's a little comfortable, even. I think I have a great deal in common with Tolkien's hobbits.. I prefer a sedantary life of eating, conversing, and non-adventure. This is a little worrisome to me. I have been willing only somewhat to move out of my comfortable routine.
To start with, I'm just not a very "nice" person. I'm not kind. The interactions I have with other people may be characterized by the words: cold, rude, insensitive, sarcastic, impatient, and arrogant. To name a few.
I've always felt a strange desire to be nice to people, but that desire surfaces only on occasion. I've never given it much serious consideration until the last few days.
I think I want to try to be nice, for a change. Not witty or confident, but kind.
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