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Firesilk's Demesne

Blessed Be!

This is what I believe.

An it harm none, do what thou will

In the beginning...

There was the One. It encompassed all energy, all matter, all life, and there was nothing else. Being One it was alone and lonely, so it decided to fracture itself. In an unimaginable explosion it became Many.

This is Our Universe now...the One become Many.

All things, all creatures, animals, rocks, trees, male, female, God and Goddess are aspects of the One. It is our task to grow, to learn, to gain wisdom through the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. So that in time the Many will have attained the Glory that was the One and We will not be alone.

About Me

Blessed Be!
What I believe--A Pagan/Wicca FAQ

View my Book of Shadows

Society for Creative Anachronism Stuff
Living History - Recreating the Middle Ages without the bad stuff My life as a gamer
Some thoughts on Roleplaying
Links to other sites I like Free Graphics
Free Graphics by Firesilk
Awards Webrings
Webrings I belong to
What's New
Whats new?
Letters to Moonchild - an on-line apprentice's questions answered
Wicca LecturesWicca 101 Lectures~ a full apprenticeship courseWren's Nest on the World Wide Web Wren's Nest~Craft related stories of interest to pagans
The Netjer Moonfire Coven  my online coven~Click here if you are interested in seeing what we do or in joining

To the sitemap~for those impatient of graphics :)
Click on the Pentacle to see the Site Map

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Please come back soon and visit me.


To the Temple of Osiris

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This page last modified 10/1/01

Enya midis found on my web pages were borrowed from the Enya Midi ArchiveE-mail Gif courtesy of Nomad ~ She no longer does free graphics, but she still maintains a beautiful site.
