
Welcome to a collection of my own poems; some were inspired by events from role-playing in the 'gothic-punk' genre of White Wolf's World of DarknessTM; others have been inspired by more personal reflections and thoughts, and influences of people and events around me.

I hope you will visit here from time to time as I add things, and that you will enjoy these offerings -

- Atarian


Where do you go, Jewel of my Heart
When the night pales to day
And the cruel sun bars me from your side?

Do you walk along spring-warmed paths
Heavy with the scent of jasmine and wild rose
Rich with the sound of honeybee and songbird
Arm in arm with Another -
- without me.

Do you take tea in lace-fringed parlours
Soirees redolent with pearls and diamonds
Delicate laughter and veiled barbs
Tasting the meat and drink of Life?
- without me.

Do you bathe in sun-warmed pools
Golden rays flickering through leaf-frond lattices
Or salt-surf beaches, broad and white
Feet bare on the sand?
- without me.

Where do you go, Jewel of my Heart
When the day fades to night
And the sweet moon lights your way to me?
Each night you greet me, warm and loving
Your scent sweet upon the dusken air
Your voice sweet upon my thirsting ears
Setting fire to my senses
Quickening my lust
Restoring my soul
Always with me.

- Atarian

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To loose the Beast

When the moon is full
and the winds blow through the stagnant air
and the day reeks of the perpetual senseless
wail of souls bound and fettered by
bitterness, small-mindedness, and
acid self-righteousness,
and loneliness and despair well over
in your soul -
what will you do?
where will you turn for comfort ?
when will you loose the Beast ?

- Atarian

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how long has it been i wonder
since my soul has not hung back
tentative, questing,
too readily wounded by a thoughtless word or barbed jibe ?
which another, stronger, may deflect with easy laughter and confident heart
yet i, alone, ever alone and away
have no recourse against the day's hazards less it be
that of caution, fear, and the solitary strength that shores
up the walls that defend my soul and heart ?

how long have i been up here
on my crag looking out at the world's span
back pressed against the cliff that serves as
mother and father both ?
safe, alone, apart
what time must pass ere i will be strong enough within
to be able to venture down
into the world and not feel the stray arrow-shot of love ?
all the time until the end of time, and yet more still.

- Atarian

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I trod the precipice again last night.
And as I wavered on the edge,
As I have done time and again,
I wondered what it would be like
To step away from the solid ground
And flirt with the unknown.
If I stepped off the edge
Would I float, passionless ?
Would I plummet down into pain and chaos ?
Or would I fly on strong dragon's wings
High into the sky, free to swoop and dive,
Exhilarated and loose upon the world,
Bohemian and independent;
Free from this eternal fear of falling, failing -
My demon chuckles in delight,
As it feeds on my weakness.

- Atarian

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Wibble wobble on the ledge
Dancing skipping on the edge
Nearly, almost, falling in
Somehow reeling back again

See the chaos down below
Boiling roiling to and fro
See the pain and fear that hides
Whisper close, its just inside

See the puppet on the edge
Dancing feebly on the ledge
Mind's eye dull, it seeks the light
Seeks the strength to make it right

The whirlpool flares, the eddy swirls;
The tide swells high, it strongly pulls;
The vortex swirling round and round -
It pulls me in - I make no sound.

- Atarian

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Heart's Vale

Fair words that o'er my soul doth break,
and heart's-wish fears and hopes doth slake,
for those whose feet have trod so far
the barren lonely road that winds
through life and love and hearts-soul's needs.

Where love's sought long and hearts are worn,
and wary of another's scorn,
the road is trod with care and fear
and tall and strong the walls are built
'round in'most soul and heart's deep core.

Fate weaves Her way - unknown, unguess'd -
and, unlook'd for the souls find rest
and succour for the heart's sore needs;
the Weaver's vale beckons green and cool
and love weaves safe the travellers home.

- Atarian

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I awaken
And from the marble
Cold and Eternal
I rise

In darkness I walk
And the daylit world
Unknowing, uncaring
Continues on
I am dead, yet I live.
And the night is mine !

- Atarian

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A forest, deeping green
the scent of pine
and sun-warmed earth
down to the edge where
the sweet water plays
and now and then a
teasing splash as scales
flash in the sunlight.

- Atarian

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Sing to me
For though I never knew the tears
Your words would bring
I would hear them all the same


Silent tears fall on the
City pavement
unheeded by the common mass.
- What is another tragedy or
forlorn soul,
When it is not your own ?

- Atarian

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My Dark-hair'd Lass

My dark-hair'd lass lies sleeping now,
in yonder chamber'd hall
her brown eyes closed, her pale face framed
by raven hair's full fall.

My dark-eyed lass lies resting now,
her dreams flow sweet and fair
her pale hands lie curved gently on
the embroider'd bed-cloth there.

My dark-hair'd lass lies dreaming now,
no pain her pale face mars;
my heart is reft with weeping, for
my child is dead and gone.

- Atarian

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Along the Shore

Along the shore, where the wavelets break,
Where the wild cliffs tumble to the sea,
I walked and watched the sea-birds wheel
In the grey of an afternoon sky.

Along the beach in the afternoon sun,
I walked and heard the children play,
The sand-castles tumbled as they ran
And chased each other among the sand.

Along the strand whre the lovers strolled
I sat and watch the world that day
Amongst the earth and sea and sky
And the Fire that makes all One.

- Atarian

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I am broken, now.
No joy. No fire. No light. No vision.
My heart - empty and hollow
My soul - echoes with a song of loss
My eyes - gaze outward, unseeing
My feet - tread the everyday paths, unfeeling.
I am an empty and hollow shell.
Where do I go now ?
Where do I turn ? This busy world has worries enough
Without one more to trouble it.
Once I was strong and bright, but that which held my spirit
Is frayed and worn away.
I am broken and alone, and the song of my sorrow echoes unheard.

- Atarian

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The breath of inspiration
The fire of creativity
The deep waters of passion
Dark earth of fruition
Spirit to weave them whole.

- Atarian

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In Nomine

The end has commenced
No fanfare, no trumpets
No warning bells ring out
No voice cries.

The degradation has begun
Foundations crumble
Fabric frays, is torn asunder
There is no solid ground
All assumptions rendered invalid.

That which was familiar
Is now strange
Known ground is foreign, alien
Frames of reference are shifted
Signposts vanished, been re-written.

- Atarian

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Weaver's Grace

And yet the fabric's weave remains
Frayed, torn, and scorched
Rent into unfamiliar patterns
Yet warp and weft remain, entwined.

What grace is this? For surely
through all travails of time
such beauty could not survive unscathed?

- Atarian

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Distant Song

the afternoon sun
lures me westward
following the path of dreams
that rich tapestry of earthly desires
and ethereal longings
heart's dream, soul's quest
following the weaver's way
to find peace at last
resonant with the soul's song

- Atarian
July 2002

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Heading Home

the long day is ending
and as I travel the long way home
the day's worries begin to fade
the concerns of the working day slip away
as real life comes back into view
to cross the threshhold and feel again
the warmth of the hearth
the scatter of toys and homework
smiles, and huggles, and fairy-girl kisses!

- Atarian
July 2002

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If wishes were horses, then I would ride
to the red-stone farmhouse on the rich red soil;
and sit at ease in the shaded loggia,
fat bees droning, somnolent in the sun,
and gaze out over the hill-blessed olive groves
down to an azure sea.

If wishes were hawks, then I would fly
far to the west on strong wings;
far along the whale's way, to where the sun rests
wingtip to wingtip across the grey sky we would fly
claiming the high crag
high over the stormy sea and windswept moor.

If wishes were salmon, then I would swim
deep into the cool dark realm of Tethys
where kelp forests wave in long-dead columned halls;
I would leap the foaming white waters
to rest in the placid pool at the hazel's feet
keeping safe the hidden Treasure.

- Atarian
April 2004

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A thought

If loneliness and despair are just a state of mind
then why can't i just move to another state?

- Atarian
April 2004

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A thought

I am the phoenix, risen from the fire
The strong wings of the Dragon bear me up
Protection, strength, love, belief entwined;
Spiraling up into the free air of life and joy
Leaving behind the abyss of fear and self-doubt.
I endure.

- Atarian
April 2004

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I am an empty vessel
fill me with light.

- Atarian
April 2004

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Hollow my heart –
life shifts
love’s eye blinks
and sees another.
Time heals,
but this wound weeps forever.

- Atarian

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This site copyright © Atarian 1998 - 2004.
This page last updated : Tuesday 27 April 2004