About the Writers Center
The Writers' Center at Chautauqua is a place where beginning, burgeoning and professional writers and poets can meet and work together.
Throughout the nine-week Chautauqua summer season, our poetry and prose workshops for adults meet daily for two hours each. We limit enrollment to 12 PARTICIPANTS who share and critique each other's work under the guidance of a workshop leader. There is also an opportunity to be an AUDITOR who sits in on the process but does not submit his/her own work for evaluation.
We help published writers improve their skills, aid in the deepening of the artistic vision and in the marketing of work. We help beginners of all ages get started. We offer an intelligent and interested audience to both participants and workshop leaders on which to test their work in progress.
Highly accredited and respected writers and poets lead the workshops. These workshop leaders are excellent teachers who are willing and able to share the details and intricacies of their own writing lives. They are mentors. We become a network.
We also offer Young Writers' Workshops, week-long classes for children ages 7-12 and 12-17, which are led by professional writers.
We sponsor free weekly poetry readings, and evening and lunch-time lectures.
Visit the "How to Register" pages for more information, and come join us this summer.