The Registration Process

Workshops are limited to 12 PARTICIPANTS (who may submit work for discussion in class). Once a workshop is fully booked, we also accept 6 AUDITORS (silent observers who do not submit work or participate in class discussion.)

NEW PROCEDURES FOR 2001 -- All registrations will be handled by Chautauqua Institution's Special Studies Program. For information on how to obtain their catalog and to register, simply click here (or point your browser to and choose "Special Studies" from the menu.

1. Register for your chosen workshop using the Special Studies forms and materials.

2. Mail registration materials to the Special Studies office at Chautauqua Institution (NOT to The Writers Center).

3. Mail work to the leader if requested. Please observe the deadline listed. Be sure to keep a copy for making extras if needed. Type your submission (single space for poems; double space for fiction and nonfiction; standard playscript form for plays.) Be sure your name, address, phone number and e-mail address are on all manuscripts.

4. Bring to the workshop 12 copies of your work to share with PARTICIPANTS. You may also need copies for up to 6 AUDITORS.

5. Last-Minute Submissions: If you want to enter late material into the workshop, a new piece or a re-write, you should discuss this with the workshop leader.

6. Half-Hour Individual Conferences: Some of our leaders offer conferences by appointment. If available, cost is $15 per session, payable directly to the leader.

Manuscript Criticism By Mail:

(off season only and available for PARTICIPANTS only):

Critics are poets and writers who have taught in our program in previous years. $35 basic fee for written critique, plus: poetry $5 per page (single-space); fiction $2 per page (double--space); non-fiction $1 per page (double-space).

Gate Tickets:

The Writers Center fees do not include the cost of your Chautauqua Institution Gate Pass or parking fees. For cost information, phone 716-357-6250 or visit the Web site at


If you are coming on the grounds for our workshops only, you must show your registration card at the Gate for a discount on your Gate ticket. If you haven't registered yet, ask at the Hospitality Desk at the Gate for a one-time complimentary entrance, obtain your registration card at the first workshop session, and then buy your Commuter's Pass for the remainder of the week at the reduced fee.