This is a location, where I will share information and pictures with
who already know me. They will have my address. This contents will change without
prior notice. So, if you like to download anything, do it quickly.
For a short while this site will also be used as an intermediate
information area for a lecture "Informationssysteme in Hotellerie und Gastronomie". There will be an own site after everything has
been set up properly.
I will not advertise these pages. Comments in forms of email are
welcome and
may effect something, if they are well phrased. However, for the sake of it,
I will announce the frequency of visits, taking my personal bets when
it will tresspass the magical number of 1000 since the day I was born.
So here it is:people
have visited this place, since I was born.
I consider this page as a reverse holographic image construction.
Rather than breaking apart a big and contrastful hologram, this site
will start with a very faint image and probably sharpen when
times go by.
personal and general items
for friends and acquainted people
If you want to consider yourself at least as acquainted, an email should show it.
An example of what is to be found here would be:
A bigger (43kB) version of it you could drag from your browser.
If you are asking what that has got to do with philosophy, then this page is not for you :)
Otherwise send an email to Hans Hartmann.
Or you might take the easy approach - stay anonymous! Sign Guestbook
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