Like any good organization we have officers who see to the day to day

running of things and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Here they are in all their not so grandiose glory.

The Seneschal.

This person is the legal representative of the group.
Her basic job description is to coordinate all the other officers,
and to work out any problems the group may have.
She also is the legal contact person for the group.
Person: Adail Treharn
Society Name: M'Lady Adele' Speuradareached

Knight's Marshall.

This person oversees the training and fighting that occur.
He is also responsible for the safety of the combat.
Person: Richard Treharn
Society Name: Lord Richard the Scot of clan Stewart

Minister of Arts and Sciences.

This person oversees and encourages research, teaching, and practice of
period Arts and Sciences, including, but of course not limited to:
Dancing, Brewing, Armor making, Garb making, Weaving, and anything
else someone might want to learn about the middle ages.
Person: Sharon Laster
Society Name: Isabelle McGee
To contact meClick Here


This is the person who helps people research names and devices (heraldry) for their persona.
A thankless job full of arcane jargon that makes most people run in fear.
Person: Duane Laster
Society Name: Graelond Forester
To contact meClick Here


The money person. This person handles the groups finances
and makes sure we do not spend more money than we have.
Person: Mardy Farley
Society Name: Lady Alyce De La Faion
To contact herClick Here


This is a new position for our group.
This person will organize and oversee equestrian training and events.
Person: Sharon Laster
Society Name: Isabelle McGee
Person: Snappers Promise
Society Name: Snap

Archery Marshall.

This person is responsible for our archers.
He oversees any archery activity, performs equipment inspections,
and trains our archers in combat archery and target archery.
Person: Richard Treharn
Society Name: Lord Richard the Scot of clan Stewart


This person is responsible for our safety and first aid in the event of an injury.
She oversees our practices and insures everyone plays safe.
Person: Mardy Farley
Society Name: Lady Alyce De La Faion
To contact herClick Here


This person is responsible for keeping track of our activities and publishing our monthly newsletter.
Person: Jessica Laster
Society Name: "I don't know!"
To contact herClick Here


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