After 30 years in the classroom I am convinced that the personal example
the teacher sets before the student is the single most important reason
learning occurs. Example offers a behavioral definition of character that
may determine a student's perception of his own value, the value of
others, and reciprocal rights and responsibilities. Since emulation is
both an early and an on-going learning method and because everyone passes
through the hands of the teacher, the example of the teacher-leader is, I
believe, fundamental to the successful human experience.
When standards are personalized and manifest in teacher conduct, the student's perception of other criteria for measuring other values and options prior to decision-making becomes more and more comprehensible. Such a comprehension may be considered critical to the student's personal ability to anticipate consequences of choice and insure survival and progress. Because decision-making is the proper domain of the mind in the hierarchy of the person (spirit/mind/body), it is essential that enlarged opportunities for observation and awareness be encouraged and available. Such opportunities go far toward raising the qualitative level of selectivity on the part of the student. Additionally, because selection occupies the fulcrum point of the creative process in the individual, it is essential that criteria be available to the intellect of the student in order that evaluation and progress will occur. We are reminded that the unique individual person is the basic unit of value and a prime source of social values in a free society. Consistent with a criteria concept and personalized value definition, the individual student should continually experience high levels of challenge, expectation, and goal orientation, eliciting and reinforcing standards of excellence. Such a conceptual environment teaches, encourages, and reinforces valid self-esteem. It is thus that the teacher completes the appropriate fulfillment of his role: Enabling the student to become a self-directed, responsible, choice- maker in freedom * * *2. Always respect Boundary, Sovereignty, and Domain. Expect and require the same. 3. Keep your priorities in Order. Allow them to govern your choices. 4. Define "rendering unto..." the owner. 5. Weakness is not humility or piousness. Act with courage - make assertions - take positions. 6. DO NOT BE CONTENT WITH MEDIOCRITY or "averageness." We are called to EXCELLENCE. 7. No one can be humble "on purpose" - as an act of will. Humility is the natural result of recognizing Superiority. Making awareness of Superiority [Quality] is our major task. When they "see' they will choose accordingly. Until then - you and they may struggle. 8. Do not patronize youngsters. Be more concerned with what they will think of you 20 years from now. Do not seek your own popularity. You will be vulnerable and they will spot it and use it against you and your purposes. 9. Expect intelligence. Do not treat them as helpless. They will appreciate it and respond accordingly. 10. Have a sense of humor - especially about the things that are yours. 11. Share the "Social I.Q. Test." Q: "Can you tell the difference between what is yours to decide about and what is NOT yours to decide about?" Hmmmmm? 12. Give the youngsters [don't call them 'kids'] opportunities to make Choices from among alternatives you supply. Encourage Creativity, Originality, and Responsibility. 13. ALWAYS measure Human Value by the Individual - never by a group or plural-unit. [Is there any other kind of human?] Groups are convenient verbalizations about Individuals - not Reality. 14.A Build Individual Value and regard for each UNIQUE person. [Gold is valuable because it is RARE. How much more so the Unique Individual Person.] YOU are the ONLY you in the history of the universe! Rarity is value. [Quality is Value.] 14.B Add: Feelings of inferiority and inadequacy are often the engine that drives the "rowdy" machine. The Lord's 'price-tag' on each Individual will help to dissipate such problems. 14.C Add: Responsibility? No one will accept Responsibility above the level of their sense of Self-Value. 15. Discuss these suggestions openly. Allow opportunity for thought and incubation. Encourage them to re-articulate in their own words. 16. Respect EFFORT regardless of results. Even errors are learning experiences. Compliment - do not flatter. [However, do not equate Effort with Accomplishment.] 17. Remember, we are preparing them to go from 0% of making their own choices to 100%. It is A Process of Preparation. 18. Don't be afraid of making a "mistake" - as long as you're TRYING! 19. Learn ONE thing at ONE time. This way, anyone can learn anything! Don't try to learn it all at once. Be Teachable - learn one thing at one time. |
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