

      Motto: Buaidh no bas (also Vincere vel Mori) - "To Conquer of Die" (MacNeil of Barra)

      Badge: A Rock

      MacNeil, my beloved clan!!
      Oh how I long to be by the shores of Barra.
      To hear the pipes as they play a lovely tune.
      To Dance!! Ah to dance a victory Sword Dance in honor of my kinsmen.
      Heaven is the isle of Barra!!

      Hello and welcome. This page is dedicated to the MacNeils of Barra. They are my clansmen and I love them dearly. To be honest I have never visited Barra, the homeseat of Clan MacNeil, but none the less I keep her and my kinsmen in my heart at all times. My name is Lorinda (Sloan) Pardi. I am a member of Clan MacNeil and my family can trace it's roots back to Barra. I have been devoted to MacNeil for as long as I can remembers. When I was younger I competed in Scottish Highland Dancing in California and often won medals while donning the Ancient MacNeil tartan (which is shown in the border).

      Eventually I will have history and information about my clan. I will also post pictures of my dancing career. Until then please enjoy these pictures of Castle Kisimul on the isle of Barra.



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      to enter this page since March 18, 1998
      This site was last updated on
      September 14, 1999

      Kaeli, Free Background Sets,
      Historical Term Papers,
      Historical Costumes,
      About My Family and Me, My Best Friend,
      My Pregnancy Page,
      The Baby's Ultrasound,
      Family Pictures, Our Wedding Pictures,
      The Wolf Page

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