Banner last!

Well this is something that I've been wanting to do for ages but naturally never got around to putting together! The Witches Circle finally has a banner avaliable for your use in linking us to your pages. These are the terms and conditions of use of our banner and our exchanges.

1.) All sites wishing to link The Witches Circle to them with use of our banner must email us first to notify us of your desire to link us on your page.
2.) When submitting a link and banner request, we would like a description and URL for your site. The Witches Circle WILL NOT link to any pages which contain offensive material, anti-religious propaganda of any kind, pages related to or involved in Satanism or pages that are just plain confused. This is because we are making an effort to promote a positive image for the Witch and Pagan community. Altough we feel that it is alright for one to believe in whatever gives them peace, even if that means they are Satanists, we do not wish to be linked to or associated with such groups, organizations or sites. We are trying to dispell that myth and that would only confuse the issue more.
3.) Upon review of the site and our approval of your page for our exchange, you will recieve an email with the information regarding code for the link. The banner that you see here is not the full banner that will be avaliable and there will be other versions avaliable within the next week. So please do not take this banner just yet.
4.) Since this is a banner exchange we would like to recieve a banner and link to your page as well. Information on where to send any images or information for this will be included in the email regarding acceptance on our link page.

And that's about it. We will be having other versions of the banner avaliable within the next week or two, which is when we hope to have this section fully up and running. There will be a page set aside to display all the links and banners that we recieve from those we trade with.

If you are interested in submitting your site for review and would like to trade banners and links, please email Athena with "Banner Exchange" in the subject line. (Please do not send us any attached material at this time. We will inform you of where to send up graphic for banner exchanges.)

This is the banner that we have right now. More versions to come soon, so stay tuned. If you have a banner design idea, let us know!