The English Literature of the 18th Century

This site hosts a project, done for Dr. Roper's ENG 245 course at Northwest Missouri State University, that is supposed to educate the reader about the work of the greatest English writers of the 18th century.

Whether it actually does educate you or not is a matter of public opinion.

This page is officially dead. No more additions, although it might move to a different server one of these days. It got an "A", incidentally.

This page is best viewed with a browser capable of perceiving ALT tags. As Microsloth Internet Exploder is the work of the devil himself, that pretty much leaves you with Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.0 or higher, although most browsers can handle this without a problem.

Do you have a suggestion, some (useful) feedback, or a broken link to report? E-mail the webmaster at

Also, if you're looking for Thomas' personal webpage, Elsewhere, it's currently down. Here's the story.

This website courtesy of Weisenheimer Productions, created with EditPad and Netscape Communicator.

The webmaster would like to thank Dan Swensen and Scott Archer for help with the coding of frames.

Keep circulating the tapes.