Alianstra Frenten

Player: Casey

Player #:2

Homeland: Karameikos (Traladaran)

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Mage

What she says: "I would do something, but I really don't want to waste my energy. Maybe later."

What others say about her: "Ali is a character that looks out for herself, and gets involved when it means the rescue of a fellow half-elf."

Ali's parents, Sam Frenten a Traladaran, and her Thyatian Elven mother, Jiana CarthRight, unlike most other half-elven parents, were in love. Her parents were ostracized for their outright affection. Ali is always trying to unite the two Castes and show equality.

She likes to avoid any face-to-face confrontations, though she can hardly wait to get the powers to pick on those that are currently pick on her. She hates the slimy green skins, and she really despises the Elves that hate. They will have to go.

 Ali has recently become a bit more aggressive  in combat.  She has gain some more power and has become an asset for the group.  Concurrently, she has become involved with Furian Sunwood and Tanin Half-Star, members of the Half-Elf Alliance.  She has made efforts to become a member of the Alliance, although she has been rebuffed by Furian, it appears that she is making progress towards that goal.  Ali was critically injured defending the Desnorten cabin, but thanks to timely intervention from Emily, she survived.