The Battle of Dymrak Forest

     Dustarin marched his forces into the clearing just outside the town. The defenders prepared to come out from behind

their earthworks to give them battle. The Knight Commander Gregor Lavell realized that the only way to defeat the orcs

was to come out and destroy them hand to hand. If the Knights waited for the orcs to charge their position, they would be

overrun in minutes. Lavell opted to send his cavalry on a heroic and futile charge against the orc lines. Eric Henderson

joined the charge as a part of the 3rd Griffon Cavalry. His unit was the first to reach the enemy lines, and they smashed

through the 41st Orc unit. They were truly a heroic sight, with the 1st Griffon Cavalry charging right behind them. Their

glory was short lived however, as they ran into a brilliant trap set by the Black Eagle general, Arkon. After they had

smashed through the first line of orcs, the Knights saw a tempting target directly ahead of them, the 61st Magi, consisting

solely of Orc Mages. The sight of that Black Chain Mail was too tempting for the knights, and they continued their charge.

As they reached the mages, the 81st Outrider, consisting of wolf mounted goblins, and the 83rd Orog, consisting of Orogs

swung around behind the knights. The Griffon cavalry was surrounded and slaughtered. The whereabouts of Eric

Henderson are unknown, some knights did manage to escape the trap and rode for the woods.

     The initiative now lay with the Black Eagle forces. Having a definite advantage of numbers, their plan was simple and

straightforward; March forward and take the city. Although the Griffon cavalry was destroyed, it wasn't a useless sacrifice.

Upon seeing his cavalry wiped out, Lavell give the order to evacuate non-essential persons. There was one ship left in the

harbor, and those that remained began to board it. This included most of the party members. Ashen was among the first to

board the ship, he was closely followed by Alianstra. Aias was wounded and had to be carried aboard by one of the

soldiers. Vitrius was also wounded. However, some party members where at the heart of the battle. Emily also boarded the ship.

     Pyth joined a regiment of battle trained clerics, whose job it was to rush to the aid of wounded soldiers and knights. Pyth

died heroically, saving Lord Logan Provost from certain death.

     Cyan fought with the 40th Karameikan Infantry. His unit was in the hottest part of the fight, and routed several orcish

units, including the 61st Magi. This attracted the attention of Dustarin who unleashed upon the battlefield a mighty fireball.

The 40th Karameikan Infantry was wiped out with no survivors.

     Golion joined his town's militia unit. Although this was a rag tag unit of peasants and farmers, they fought well defending

their homes. The Dymrak Militia was attacked by 3 units, including the 53rd Ogre and the 54th Elite. The 9th Karameikan

Cavalry rushed to their aid, but arrived too late. It is rumored that several of the militia were kept alive as prisoners;

possibly as slave labor to work in the town. Golion's fate is unknown.

     Mikon joined up with the 9th Karameikan Cavalry, a light cavalry unit. This unit dashed across the field of battle,

helping units that were about to be overrun. This unit alone probably delayed the orcs by a ½ hour. After the town was

evacuated, the 9th Cavalry did not attempt to board the ship. Rather the surviving members, including Mikon, rode for the

woods. It is presumed that Mikon intends to conduct guerrilla warfare against the orcs.

     Tanin left the site of battle to make ensure that Emily boarded the ship safely. Furian assumed command of the Alliance

forces and they conducted a fighting withdrawal into the woods. The Alliance forces played a samll role in the fight, and

took light casaulties. Furian stayed with the Alliance forces.

The battle had quickly turned from a defensive struggle to a desperate holding action. The accomplishments and

bravery of the Karameikos defenders should not be overlooked. Most of the people in the town were evacuated, along

with a large amount of food and supplies. Additionally, Rugalov Keep remains firmly in Karameikan hands. It has plenty of

supplies, and a large contingent of reinforcements. However the gravity of this defeat should not be underestimated.

Karameikos has been invaded and one of her towns taken over. Rugalov Keep cannot hold out forever, it is only a matter

of time before the orcs storm the fortress. Gregor Lavell survived the battle, and he knows that it is up to him to avenge

this dishonor.
