Attack Defend Body Mind
2 2 6 5
Movement: 2 Red Dice
Starting Weapon: Mace
Armor: None
The Warrior Priest is similar to the Elf in that he combines
combat abilities with spellcasting. The Priest has 3 spells at the start
of the quest. His weapon, the mace, has the strength of 2 combat dice.
He cannot use any edged weapons, but can wear any armor.
Invisibility to Undead
This spell causes target to become completely invisible to undead monsters. Last 3 rounds or until
the Hero attacks an undead monster. Undead will completely ignore this
Hero until that time.
Dispel Magic
This spell has 2 effects: It can either
1.) Totally protect a Hero from ALL spells for 2 rounds (Including beneficial ones.)
2.) Remove the effect of one spell on a Hero. It does
not restore any lost body points.
Weapon of Faith
This spell causes the Priest's own weapon to come to life with a Holy flame. Adds 2 combat dice to
his attack rolls. Duration: 3 rounds. (Ineffective on staff.) This may not be cast on any other Hero.
The Priest can heal 5 Body points during the quest. He need
not use all of the points at once.
Hold Undead
This causes 1 undead monster to become immobile. The monster can
defend normally, however it cannot move
or attack. The spell is broken when the monster rolls a
6 on 1 red die.