Welcome to Karameikos.
    Welcome, traveler to my campaign.  Here you will find invaluable information about the Characters, Non-Player
Characters, politics, and history of the campaign.  The complete storyline of the campaign will be added, as we play.  Read and enjoy!

Plot Summary

    This is the place to look to keep up on the current story line.  It will be updated whenever an adventure is completed.  This does not have a complete blow-by-blow retelling of each adventure,  it contains highlights and the main points.  For more details about a certain adventure, see Adventure Summaries.
Plot Summary

Battle of Dymrak

Player Characters

    Here is the complete listing of all Player Characters currently involved in the campaign.  This list will obviously fluctuate, due to attrition, death, and salad-barring. (Salad Barring:Quitting a campaign due to lack of attention span, as in you have the attention span of a small salad bar. See Scott Brown.)

 Alianstra Franten
Elia Sienna

Non-Player Characters

    While everything about non-player charcters  cannot be included in their file, I've tried to say a little about everyone.  This could be a great place to figure out what all the NPC's are up to.

 Tanin Half-Star

 Emily Voulve-Desnorten

 Mikon Desnorten

 Eric Henderson

 Furian Sunwood


 Alhana Nadin

 Mysta Tymos

Lord Devon Hyraksos

Captain J.T. Esteban

Lt. Carmen Davila

 The Mystery Chicken

Deceased, Retired, or otherwise Missing Player Charcters

 Vitrius of Alfheim

Aias Grim Telemon Unferth VIII

 E-Mail the DM

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