Ron Hooft

I'm a 42 years old, male. I have a wonderful wife of 20 years and three teenage children. I also have three dogs, three cats, a rabbit and a turtle. We all live up here in Ottawa, Canada.

I am a musician. I play Jazz bass, now, though the recordings I did were with my own new wave/punk band in the late seventies/early eighties. (Vendetta) Few outside Canada will have heard of it.

I made carved candles and pottery for a living in the sixties and seventies. I do, and have done, all manner of home renovations. Currently I am an aspiring writer of sci fi as well as religion and philosophy.

At age six, I decided that the catholic church was not for me. Having a great mother, and a none religious father, I was allowed to stop attending the madness of Sunday morning mass.

It was around that time I started asking adults what the purpose of existence was. I was shocked and dismayed that even the adults I looked upon as wise, just couldn't answer the question to any satisfactory degree. I also discovered to my great shock and horror, that the world was not united under one benevolent government, and was farther disillusioned when they told me that everything that was said on TV was not necessarily correct, nor even in the best interest of humanity.

I vowed to myself, at that point, that I would discover the meaning of existence before I died. It was a lofty vow, to say the least, but not uncommon for boys of that age. At least, not as uncommon as one might think. I have met many people since then, who made the same pledge to themselves.

That vow has led me and guided me through life. I studied all manner of Christianity at first. (Being that my roots were there) But I soon began piecing my own theories together. Later, I discovered that my theories were very much like Buddhism, so I began a study of Buddhism and finally ended up practicing Zen for a time.

When Zen and I parted company, my theories were already developing in new directions. Brahmanism took my fancy because like them, I had come to the conclusion that there was nothing BUT god, and that all is one. I studied the Hindu philosophies, but Zen had taught me to fall to no religion or philosophy, yet to see them (including Zen) as part of the whole; each the keeper of a small bit of truth, seen from another angle. Zen taught me that there are no lies, in philosophy, only incomplete truth, or understanding.

I later studied Paganism and Wicca, as well as some Native Indian religions.

During this time, of course, Science was making great strides. Physics was being born in earnest, and it was saying things and proving things that my own philosophy had come to through the study of religion. Psychiatry and psychology were discovering the mind, and it too was, in part, verifying what I had already thought was so. The universe was beginning to show unmistakable patterns, and science was finding them and categorizing them faster than religion had ever been able to do.

I found that, at this point in my life, I had only one thing left to do. I had to rid myself of the nagging doubts and fears of my early conditioning. I had to pick up the bible and read it again and again, until I understood what it real meant. It was a matter of once and for all, either finding the ultimate truth in the bible and it's history, or debunking it and relegating it to a fascinating look in to the mind of man kind. In the end, it set me free.

That took two years of frantic debate, study, and writing. It culminated in the Heretic's Home Page, and a Book called "The God Myth", for which I am still in search of a publisher.

In it, through it, I have purged myself of the last remnants of my early Christian conditioning.

But the most interesting part of my journey was yet to come. I ran across Paul's Sci Pan home page on the internet, during a routine investigation of new sites for my links page.

When I saw his words, I recognized that he had captured my own basic philosophy, and named it! To find that there were many more people, out there, who had come to generally the same conclusions I had, was just another sign post, telling me I must still be on the right track.

So you see, for me, SCI-PAN is not something I have converted to. It is a verification of all I have learned. It is MY, personal, philosophy; conveniently named for me.

We have a long way to go on our journey. It's nice to have so many others to go with. But it is fitting... After all, we are all inseparably linked anyway....
