Welcome to Numa Tortolero's Home Page

Here you'll can find information about philosophy and history of music.

This page is always in de-construction.
Will be updated monthly


My name is Numa Tortolero. I live in Caracas, Venezuela, where I was born in 1962. I studied philosophy in Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), where I got the diplome of "Licenciado en Filosofía" in 1995. I too studied musical composition in Conservatorio Juan José Landaeta, where I got the diplome of "Maestro Compositor" in 1994. I've been teacher of contemporary philosophy in the Philosophy School of UCV, and I've teached history of music in the Art School of the same university. I've realiced some works in musicology, and  I belong to the redaction committee of a literary essays rewiew: Umbrales.

My proyect in the WWW is a site with useful information in spanish and english about the investigation and works that I've realiced in philosophy and music.



I've worked specifically several authors, about whom I would like exchange ideas:

1. A n t i q u e   A u t h o r s:
2. M o d e r n    A u t h o r s:
    René Descartes
    Blaise Pascal 
    Immanuel Kant
    G. W. F. Hegel
    Karl Marx
    Friedrich Nietzsche 
3. C o n t e m p o r a r y   A u t h o r s :
    Edmund Husserl
    Martin Heidegger
    Jacques Derrida
    Gilles Deleuze 
    Félix Guattary 
    Jean François Lyotard 
    Georg Bataille 
    Umberto Eco 
    Ludwig Wittgenstein 
    Gottlob Frege 
    Michel Foucault

U m b r a l e s   review (spanish).



H i s t o r y

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