%[nospell] mundoka vinnapam: #i wrote this piece after watching this week's ABC nightline and 20/20 which focussed on the shocking revealations of the culture of sexual harassment in the military here. it is sad that even in a land where women have broken all barriers, their basic rights are violated so flagrantly. this piece is not about the brave soldiers of one country or other who sacrifice their lives for the protection of the freedom of their countrymen. it is about the culture of abuse by the powerful and the wealthy of those who r less fortunate or less powerful. it is about the culture of bullying by powerful groups, companies and nations of less powerful ones. if this piece says anything otherwise, it should only be taken as my failure to put thoughts in words. # kancE cEnu mEstE | bhaTulam rakshaka bhaTulam bhUgOLamlO E mUlainA, bhakshincEdE mA kulam mEm jaripEdE prajAsvAmyam mEmiccinadE svAtantryam kAdannArA! niramkuSam, aunamTEnE manam manam mI prajalA, vArevvaru mI vibhulam mEmunDaga mI dhanamE mAku priyam, kAdEdI mA kanarham mEm jaripE yuddha kAnDalO mA vaipunTE jayam jayam mA vaipunnA paDatulu mAtram, mA cEtullO haram haram tolinADEmO aadimavAsi marunADEmO telupavvani jAtulu InATiki mahiLalu, rEpavarainA lEdAScaryam sabalainA mA mungiTa abalE viTulainA mA bhaTulandaru vibhulE nyAyam lEdu, dharmam lEdu, mA guppiTa bigisindantA haramE |