Events (last updated 19-May-2001)

*New South Wales
*South Australia
*National / Other

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New South Wales Top

* Pagan Awareness Network Full Moon Circles
These circles are a general introduction with the aim of dispelling misinformation about what Pagans do on their esbats. The circle will follow no tradition and be informal. They are held at Rotary Hill, Terminus Road, Seven Hills, just next to Seven Hills Station.

The dates of the full moon circles in 2001 are:
Thursday 8th February
Friday 9th March
Saturday 7th April
Monday 7th May
Tuesday 5th June
Thursday 5th July
Saturday 4th August
Monday 3rd September
Tuesday 2nd October
Thursday 1st November
Friday 30th November (Blue Moon)
Sunday 30th December

Also check out the Pagan Awareness Network web site at:

* Rune-net Heathen Winter Feast
Sunday 10th June 2001-03-10
The Rune-Net Heather Winter Feast has been held annually for a decade. Intended to promote friendship between all Heathen and Pagan groups and individuals, this festive event has been the high point of the year for many.

The feast itself is in fact a traditional Northern European Heather ritual of fellowship. Merely enjoying the goof cheer, friendly conduct, great entertainment and excellent food, you will be performing the ancient ritual of friendship.

The event, held on the long weekend in June, included workshops, markets, traditional music, with new and different items offered every year.

On site accommodation is available at no extra cost for those of you who do not wish to drive home. The venue is in a beautiful bush setting on the edge of Sydney. For more information, or to contact the feast coordinator, visit:

The cost is $35 per head, and cheques should be made out to Rune-Net and sent to: Rune-Net, PO Box 103, Petersham NSW 2049

* Applegrove presents Yule 2001
Come and celebrate the Winter Solstice in a bushland setting in South Western Sydney.

When: Friday night 22nd June to Sunday afternoon 24th June, 2001

Run with the Hunt, decorate the Yule tree, journey through the Solstice ritual, dance around the bonfires and celebrate the birth of the Sun... join in the rituals, workshops, feasting, music and entertainment... spend a weekend between the worlds...

Cost: $90.00 for Adults, $50.00 for Children incl. GST includes feast, all meals, accommodation, rituals and workshops

In association with The Pagan Awareness Network Inc. A.B.N. 23557 117 491

Cheques / Money Orders made payable to:
"Pagan Awareness Network Inc."
Yule / Applegrove
P.O. Box 1062
North Sydney NSW 2060

Contact Blayze for details on (0142) 588-521 or (02) 9763-2368 or email:

Directions and additional information will be posted out upon receipt of registration

Please register by 10/6/2001... this is a non-profit gathering so we would appreciate payment in advance for us to purchase props, food, workshop materials and to organise the catering numbers for the feast. We would also ask participants to give one hour of their time to help at the gathering.

In honour of the birth of the Sun we also ask each person to bring along one handmade gift. These gifts will be exchanged at the feast. If you bring a gift, you will receive a gift. These gifts do not need to be expensive to make, just handmade with some thought.

Early Bird Discount Rate of $85.00 for Adults and $45.00 for Children (including G.S.T.) if payment made before 1/6/01.

Please let us know whether you will be camping or require a cabin (limited numbers) and also if children will be attending.

Yule 2001 FAQ

When is the Yule gathering being held this year?
The gathering is being held over 2 nights and 2 days. From Friday night 22nd June to late Sunday afternoon on the 24th June, 2001.

Where is it being held?
As with other Applegrove events, we will be holding the Yule gathering at a Bush Camp in South Western Sydney. Address details will be given upon registration.

How much does it cost?
Applegrove & Pagan Awareness Network are non-profit groups. As such, we run the gatherings at cost. The price includes all accommodation, all meals, all rituals and workshops from Friday night to Sunday late afternoon. The cost is $90 for adults and $50 for children under 16 (including G.S.T.). We also ask that each person gives one hour of their time to help out at the gathering. If payment is received before 1st June, 2001 there is a special early bird rate of $85.00 (including G.S.T.) Registration Fees are 50% non-refundable 7 days before the gathering.

What about accommodation?
The Bush Camp has several cabins and dormitories. There are also ample places to camp near the hall. There is a large amenities block and large kitchen as well as a dining / meeting hall. Small cabin preference is given to those with babies or small children. Most bed space is in dormitory style cabins. If you wish total privacy you may wish to camp instead. Just remember that it is the MidWinter Solstice and it will be cold. All cabins and dorms have bunk beds. You will need to provide bedding such as sleeping bags, doonas and pillows. Extra blankets are available at the camp if needed. There is pot belly stove in the hall to keep us warm and several outdoor fire pits.

What will be happening there?
This year the first ritual of the Yule gathering will be held midmorning on Saturday. This will be a Tribal Ritual of Welcoming and will take several hours. The ritual was put together by more than 10 people from different pagan paths and serves as a rites of passage from our everyday world into a pagan gathering. It also welcomes everyone into the pagan community. We will also be holding the main Yule ritual late Saturday afternoon and into the evening, finishing with a feast. There will be assorted workshops scattered throughout the weekend, many skills of which will be used in the main rituals.

What if I have never been to a pagan gathering or event before?
It doesn't matter if you have never gathered with us before. You will still be welcome. This is a public gathering and as such, there is no level of knowledge or pre-requisite to attend. Come and learn with other like-minded people, or share some of your knowledge around the fire. We are gathering to celebrate the MidWinter Solstice and all the mystery that surrounds it. There is no requirement to attend any of the workshops or rituals over the weekend. You can just come and observe and soak up the atmosphere, although you will get more out of the event if you put something into it.

What do I need to bring?
Bedding if you are in a cabin, bedding and tent if you are camping. Toiletries and towel. Ritual clothing is optional, but as this is a gathering and festival, most participants like to dress up for the whole weekend. If you require any special dietary foods, please bring them along. We will supply milk, soy milk, coffee, tea, herbals and cordial. You will also need to bring any alcohol that you wish to drink. (Please note that abuse of alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated and if you are disruptive in this you will be asked to leave). Ritual tools are welcome at the gathering. You may wish to bring a chalice or drinking horn to use at the feast. Please let registration staff know about any allergies that you may have, especially food allergies.

As this is a festival we also ask that participants bring some seasonal greenery like holly and ivy if they access to it. Also candles and candelabras for the hall. Group or personal banners, shields etc are also welcome to be hung in the hall. All items will be returned at the end of the gathering. We also spend a lot of time around the fire, telling stories and making music. Everyone is welcome to bring musical instruments, drums, tales, voices, jokes, songs and poems to contribute to the Bardic circle. Fire sticks are also welcome. We will have a supply of kero and metho on hand.

eclectic paganism in theory & practice

WHEN: Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th May
WHERE: St John's Church Hall Cnr St Johns Rd & Derwent St, Glebe
COST: $120, $100 concession (including meals & materials)

The History of Western Paganism with Jenn Hamilton

A series of lectures & discussions held over the two days which cover the history of Western Paganism, from prehistoric to Modern day. Topics for discussion include Palaeolithic & Neolithic Europe, deities and forms of worship of Ancient Mediterranean cultures (including Egyptian) & with particular focus on the Greek mysteries of Eleusis; the religious beliefs of the Celts and Northern Europeans, roots of Western traditions of Magick from the 19th century and Neopaganism. A workbook of notes and references will be provided.

Jenn Hamilton is a graduate in Religious Studies from Sydney University. She recently earned her doctorate in philosophy with a dissertation on the Eleusinian mysteries as a model for contemporary ritual. She also holds a Masters degree in Ancient History and a Bachelors degree in Anthropology. Her areas of specialisation are ancient religions, studies in myth and ritual, contemporary Goddess religion and Neopaganism. She has been involved in the Goddess movement for the last decade and is currently writing a book on the mysteries and the Goddess.

Mask Making with Tricia Cooney

Make a leather mask inspired by an animal, elemental or deity of your choice. We will be cutting, wetting and moulding the leather with simple tools and hands (much like the clay). Then they will dry over night for painting and decorating the following day.

Tricia Cooney is a performer & director of Circus Solarus street theatre company and has been making masks for 15 years. She started out making masks for ritual theatre & dance performances but more recently has been teaching mask making to art students at regional campuses and drama courses at UWS. She uses her masks in Circus Solarus performances and has exhibited many of them at theatres and art galleries. Last year she conducted a mask making workshop at Euphoria 2000.

Drumming with Gina Scott

Experience how drumming can be used to move the spirit by getting in touch with the inner "Voice". In this workshop Gina will teach basic drumming technique as well as chanting. She will also bring along a Mother drum which is large enough for all the group to play on. This drum was created especially for her 'tribe' by an African Shamanic Drum maker, for the purpose of sharing the joy of drumming with to all those in whom the Earth Spirit has awakened.

Gina Scott has been drumming for 10 years. She is an Elder, Crone, teacher (the government trained variety), clinical hypnotherapist, qualified youth leader, professional artist, runs support groups for women and conducts drum making workshops. Born a Pagan, she has studied the religions of the world and has participated in a Native American sweat-lodge with a Siouan Elder. She is currently working on "Faces of the Goddess", an exhibition of masks.

Energy Working with Suzanne Maxim

Energy is the vital life force of the universe and connecting with it is the basis of most magickal and spiritual practice. This workshop offers practical techniques for connecting with this energy as it flows through the body, charkas & aura, as well as meditation and visualisation exercises.

Suzanne Maxim has been studying Western and Eastern spirituality for over 10 years and has been practising yoga for over 8 years. She is an active member of the Sydney Pagan community, running an email study group called PaganBuddies where she helps to find mentors and study buddies for members, organises PaganPages, a Pagans in the Pub type gathering which has a literary slant and runs regular workshops.


We will cast a sacred circle and put to practice much of what has been covered in the workshops. Such as grounding, centring and energy raising, a guided meditation to connect with the energy and power of the mask as well as dancing and chanting to the beat of drums.

Saturday 26th May 8:30am - 12:30pm Lecture & discussion ? Prehistoric to the Celts & Northern Europe
  12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
  1:30pm - 3:00pm Mask making
  3:00pm - 3:30pm Tea break
  3:30pm - 5:30pm Drumming
Sunday 27th May 8:30am - 12:30pm Lecture & discussion ? The Burning Times to Neopaganism
  12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
  1:30pm - 3:00pm Paint & decorate masks
  3:00pm - 3:30pm Tea break
  3:30pm - 5:30pm Energy Working
  5:30pm - 6:30pm Tea break
  6:30pm - 8:30pm Ritual

For Further Information & Bookings Phone: (02) 9965 9608 or email

* Magick Happens
Sydney Town Hall: 20th, 21st and 22nd of July 2001

Queensland Cultural Centre Auditorium: 10th, 11th and 12th of August 2001

Magick Happens will again be held in both NSW and Queensland in 2001. If you would like to have a stall or present a workshop, please call Rowan McBain on (02) 9482 2741, or visit the Magick Happens website at: email:

Details of the program will be published in the Yule newsletter.

* Sydney Wiccans - Pagan Picnics
Every month, the Sydney Wiccans will hold the Pagan Picnic. A day to feast, enjoy nature, learn the old ways and be with like minded people of all ages. At the Pagan Picnic you can be a part of this interaction of knowledge. They Sydney Wiccans will provide you with free Tarot and Palmistry readings/workshops, runes, herbs, crystals, meditations, Shamanic drumming (BYO drum), games and other Esoteric activities. The Pagan Picnic is BYO and Artarmon has plenty of food outlets available. For further information, or information about other Sydney Wiccans gatherings, please call Gavin on (02) 9411 7604, Carole on (02) 9905 4332, or Jo on (02) 9418 6419. You can also e-mail the Sydney Wiccans on or you can send a SASE to PO Box 1050, Artarmon for further information.

* Pagans in the Pub
Date: Every second Tuesday

Pagans-in-the-Pub is an informal gathering of people for the purpose of discussing all things of interest to Pagan minded people. Whether you've been into 'it' forever or are just beginning to explore your spirituality, this gathering is a great opportunity to meet people, ask questions or join in the debates.

7.30pm for 8pm start @ the Strawberry Hills Hotel Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills (Sydney), 2 minutes walk from Central Station.

Bring a tee-light or candle, and any natural 'sacred' object. ... a night for the mystical temperament, with a blend of occult philosophy.

* Casting the Circle
An open training Circle located inner west Sydney

An introductory training course run over several weeks. Subjects covered include: Circle casting, how and why the 4 elements are used, using the working tools of a witch, dance and trance in circle work, and the significance of the mythic dimension to traditional witchcraft.

See our website -
Contact - Tim Hartridge or SSAE to: PO Box 179 Newtown 2042

* M1 Activities
For information about M1 activities in NSW check out:

* Wilderness Action Group
The Wilderness Society's Sydney brancg meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm in Suite C on the 1st Florr at 263 Broadway (near Central). They can be contacted on 9552 2355 or email

TWIS are currently working to save the Southern Forests from logging and woodchipping; stopping Hinchinbrok; and involved in the continuing fights against the Jabiluka and Beverly Uranium mines.

* Newcastle University
This information is for students of the University of Newcastle: if you are interested in finding out more about the activities at Newcastle uni, then please send Meeka an e-mail on or phone her on (02) 4943 9855.

* Clan Cymru
Clan Cymru Celtic Wiccan Circle is a Celtic/Druidic blend and is based in the upper Blue Mountains. Most of our members are gay males although we are open to anyone. We hold regular training, discussions, social activities and camping weekends. We celebrate the 8 major sabbats and all full moons. Enquiries to Morgan on (02) 4787 5429 or e-mail

* Sutherland Area Pagans
A new group has started up for Pagans living in the Sutherland area. For more information call Alice on 9541 2428 or email her at Alternatively, you can check out the new web page at:

* Temple of Set
The Temple of Set is a Left-Hand Path magical school which has been present in Australia since 1975.
Web site:
P.O. Box 666, Northbridge NSW 2063

* Macquarie University Pagans, Sydney
A new Pagan social group on campus are now holding regular meetings, Anyone interested should check out or email

* Coffs Harbour Pagan Forum
For more information about meetings in Coffs Harbour, and to subscribe to the local newsletter, pelase send a SASE to Pagan Forum, PO Box 6512, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450. You can also ring on (02) 6658 0523.

* Armidale Pagans???
I live in the Armidale (NSW) area and am trying to get a Pagans in the Pub/Pagan discussion group started up. If anyone from this area is interested in being part of this, please contact me on:

* Witches Workshop
'WitchesWorkshop' online. Especially for Australian witches and Australian pagans. Exploring the psychic experience of Witchcraft & Magick. Networking with Pagans, Wiccans, Shamans and Occultists Australia wide. Discussion and news, courses and circle work, and best of all its free - come join the community.

* Pagan Buddies
PaganBuddies is a sister eGroups to the WitchesWorkshop and is a buddy/mentor system for Pagans. Basically, when you join the email list you will receive a questionnaire/registration form. After you send back your registration form, your membership is approved and you are able to receive and send messages on the list. Everyone on the list is either a buddy (new or someone looking to learn more) or a mentor (someone wanting to guide a buddy), so the list tends to cover a lot of practical stuff. All questions are taken seriously and no question is considered too basic or silly. We are in particular need of mentors, so if anyone feels that they would like to guide someone new to Paganism on line, please sign up by visiting:



* Pagans in the pub
Pagans at the pub meets Tuesday fortnights at the Wig and Pen Pub in Civic. For details email Paul at


Queensland Top

* Toowoomba Pagans in the Pub
Toowoomba Pagans meet in the 3rd Sunday of every month at the gazebo (Margaret side) of Queens Park near the children’s play area at 12 noon. Bring a plate and a smile. Alex can be contacted on 041 636 9029. Dates for 1999 are: June 20th, July 18th, August 15th, September 19th, October 17th, November 21st and December 19th. (sorry, I don't have 2000 dates - ed.)

* Brisbane
3rd Sunday of every month, Pagans in the Park will meet to gather in a non-political environment for the purpose of socialising. Come and meet old friends and make new ones. Email Darren at

* Pagan Collective
The Pagan Collective has been bought into being because of what has been seen as a lack of ‘community spirit’ within the Pagan community. The intention of the Pagan community is to be of benefit to Pagans is South East Queensland, so that we can organise ourselves, activities and venues for our community. Any Pagan is welcome to become part of the collective simply be registering your name with Cheryl on (07) 3281 7445, Andrea (07) 4698 8168 or Brian (07) 3282 8078. None of those mentioned (or anyone else for that matter) holds any hierarchical position within the collective. They have simply been the instigators. In fact, there will be no chairperson, spokesperson, president, Ayatollah within the ‘collective’ only Pagans working to help each other (no egos allowed) and the Pagan community generally.


Victoria Top

* Melbourne Pagans in the Pub
Melbourne Pagans in the Pub is held at the Imperial Hotel, cnr Bourke and Spring Sts Melbourne on the 1st Saturday of the month at 2pm. Contact Colin on 0402 084 394 or email:

* Geelong Pagans in the Pub

Geelong Pagans in the Pub is held at Irish Murphy's Hotel on the 1st Tuesday after New Moon each month. (as of September 2000 - ed.)

* Wyrd Spyders
There is a women’s group for magickal celebration called Wyrd Spyder Creating, where women can celebrate all that it means to live and to be a woman. The circles are open and gatherings will be planned together. For more information, please contact Sandra on (03) 9708 0249, or email her on

You can also look at the Wyrd Spyders home page at:


South Australia Top

* Adelaide Pagan Discussion Group
The Adelaide Pagan Discussion Group is held on the first Wednesday of each month at The Proscenium, Blyth St, Adelaide at 8pm. There is usually a guest speaker, and plenty of opportunity for discussion about the evening’s chosen topic. The Pagan Discussion Group is free of charge, and is a great way to meet like minded people.

* Pagans in the Pub
Pagans in the Pub meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the "Brecknock Hotel", 401 King William Street, Adelaide at 8pm. For further information email: or visit our web site:


Tasmania Top

* Pagans in the Pub
Email Allanah at Tasmanian Pagans meet at the Theatre Royal Hotel, Campbell St, Hobart at 7pm for discussion and socialising at no cost. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month.


Other / National Top

* National Pagans in the Pub
Wherever you are you can find Pagans at the Pub!

Check out the web page specifically designed so you can find out what's happening all over Australia:
