These are one of the first words you'll encounter in almost all the brochures that you can find on Bhutan.

Tourism in Bhutan is still limited to package tours and rather expensive compared to other Asian destinations.  You can enter Bhutan only through package tours with prices set by the government ranging from US$.150/ during off season to US$.250/ at peak season.  Tourist can enter Bhutan by air from Bangkok, Kathmandu, New Delhi and recently Rangoon.  Visa applications must be made well in advance (approximately a month in advance), and are issued on arrival at Paro International Airport.  Please make sure that your travel agent has everything in order because you maybe refused entry from the major entry points mentioned above without your visa clearance. Check with your local Travel agent to see if they deal with Bhutan tours or you can check up the internet where some Bhutanese tour operators have put up their home pages.

Bhutan opened its doors to the outside world after the coronation of Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuk in 1974. While tourism in Bhutan has come a long way since then, it has always been guided by the desire to preserve Bhutan's unique heritage and spectacular natural beauty.  Visitors can thus still encounter a vibrant culture in an unspoilt environment. Eco tourism is widely practised by all tour operators in Bhutan, so please refrain from bringing non biodegradable items into the country.

A popular environmental joke:

"You may dump your lover but please don't dump your trash".

Keep Bhutan Green

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