Ms.DeeJay's GardenMsDeejay's Garden

Here are some current pic's of me in the front part of the Garden At The Edge Of Broceliande, and a view of the side garden too.

The tree behind me is a Redbud. Have you ever tried Redbud salad? You gather about 1/2cup of the blossems just before they open. Remove all of the green, and add to Raspberry (or any berry flavored)Jello. sweet and tasty.A spring ritual here at the Garden At The Edge Of Brocelinde.

The fruit hanging over my head is my Peach tree, loaded and almost(but not quite) ready to eat. Lilies..Daylilies, Tiger Lilies, Oriental Lilies, Bee Balm, Echinacea, and , oh, lots of other flowers and herbs in paniced profusion.

Under the pines, through the privit hedge along the lilac border...there is the back yard...wild and wonderful. more peaches, more lilies, the Wrens nest, the Brown Thresher's secret spot,the Cardinal's favorite Dogwood perch and magic..always magic.

The Iris are blooming in my garden. The Wren is raising her brood, as is the Chickadee in the old gourd bird house. It is Spring again in the garden. The Lilacs are almost done...BUT... the Japanese Tree Lilac has yet to open. Thus the season is extended. Ahhhh. Do you want to extend your season? Old Fashoned Lilacs bloom first. then the 'Miss Kim' Lilac blooms. As Miss Kim fades the Canadian Lilac's burst into bloom. Finally the Japanese Tree Lilac.

The peach Tree shown above was blown over this winter in a heavy storm. I'll be planting another. I need my peaches, peaches fresh from the tree, warm from the sun, juice dripping down your chin. Sublime.

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