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HowTo ftp with Windoze95-ftp-Client

How do I upload files on a server with ftp protocol?
Go online, connect to, and upload your stuff.
How do I go online?
The material your internetprovider has sent you should tell you how.
When you're online, you should have two shrunk blinking computers in your task bar.
How do I connect via ftp to myhomepageprovider?
Do Start_execute. Type FTP in the upcoming window.
A small nasty black box appears that tells you to type in your username and your password.
Maybe it says something like Welcome.
Next, say HASH. Windoze ftp client will say that hashs are enabled, 1 # = 2 k.
Next, say PROMPT. Windoze ftp client will say that PROMPT MODE is OFF now. That means that you need not confirm the transfer of each file, and will speed up uploading.
How do I upload?
Do MPUT F:\home\larry\private\html\*.htm if that is what you want to do.
How do I avoid confirmation prompt for each single file transfer?
ftp client tells you that prompting is off now.
How can I see process progress?
Do HASH . A hash ("#") will appear for every 2048 Bytes sent.
How do I check if all worked?
Do LS . The remote system will list all files in your account.
Or browse your homepage with a good browser (e.g., lynx or netscape).
How do I close the connection?
Do not forget to go offline.
How do I go offline?
Double-click the two shrunk blinking computers in the edge of the screen, and say: DISCONNECT.
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