Life and Times of His Lordship Madoc Arundel
Or, an Acorn within Oak Leaves in annulo vert

A brief look at the persona story and SCA career of Christopher Miller

HL Madoc Arundel, Esquire, CSH, CACM, CT, CLM, PCS, Fyrdman

was born in 1161 A.D. in southwest England, the son of a Welsh mother and an English father. On the death of his father eight years later, he became responsible for supporting his mother and three sisters. This he did through a combination of hard farm work and part-time thievery. At the age of twelve, he was forced to run away, the alternative being imprisonment for theft. He ran to Bristol where he signed on as a cabin-boy for the journey to the mainland. He spent the next ten years eaking out a living with odd jobs and thievery, learning to fight with short swords, daggers, and a variety of other weapons out of necessity. In 1184, he became part of a band of mercenaries in central Germany, and for several years made his living as a hired thug. Before long, he was taken captive by a knight who agreed to spare his life in return for armed service. Madoc quickly agreed, and served so well, that he was eventually en-fealed to the knight as his squire. In 1190, the pair ventured on Crusade to reclaim the holy black-gold sands of Arabia. Upon their return, Madoc was wed to the knight's ward, and once again began to travel, but this time in service to his knight rather than himself.

Christopher Miller is a former C-130 instructor navigator now serving as a staff officer in the Pentagon for the U.S. Air Force. Chris started in the SCA in the Spring of 1982, when he attended a demo at the Pennsic War site in Pennsylvania. He attended four events as a member of the Shire of Crimson Shore, Kingdom of the East before his military commitment whisked him away to flight school in California. Over the next twenty-three years, Chris lived in the East, West, An Tir, Meridies, Atlantia, Drachenwald, Midrealm, and Calontir. He has served as a baronial knights marshal, a shire A&S officer and seneschal, and a herald at canton, barony, regional, and kingdom levels. He is a heavy weapons fighter, and has been squired to Viscount Wulfbrand Lurkr, KSCA of Aethelmarck since February of 1987.

Madoc is a recipient of the Order of the Silver Hammer (Calontir GoA-level sciences award, rcv'd for brewing and vintning), an Award of Arms (the right to bear arms in the presence of the sovereign), the Order of the Argent Comet (Meridies service award), the Order of the Torse (Calontir service award), the Order of the Iren Fyrd (Calontir fighting award), the Order of the Leather Mallet (Calontir AoA-level sciences award, rcv'd for brewing and vintning), the Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald participation award), and the Order of the Vert Shaft (Yeomans Wood, Meridies service award).

Main Page is published by Christopher Miller for his own pleasure. Anyone who believes a disclaimer belongs here, re-read my first sentence, then e-mail me with your reasoning. Thank you.

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