Be warned! These links are an
of links. Many are handy as indexes of documents and Roman Catholic Sites.
Others again are important sites in their own right. Others again are here
just for the sheer
of it!
No Catholic page can be without this one. A great deal of development
and thought has gone into this website. The Vatican library, under its
previous prefect, Dominican Fr. Leonard Boyle, started making available
copies of all public documents in the Vatican Library. Even in the elctronic
world this is an undertaking which will span decades. Images of signifcant
works in the Vatican Museums are also being made available.
The parishes of Amherst fall within the Diocese of Halifax. Information
about the structure and work of the diocese and message from the Archbishop.
Other parishes of the diocese which are online are also listed here.
This site gives an insight into the working of the Catholic Hierarchy
in Canada and the issues facing the church in Canada.
The Town of Amherst
Where we are when we are not in cyberspace! A guide to the town and activities of Amherst.
A very handy reference for travel and virtual tourism. Find your way around cities throughout the world, see what to do, where to stay, play and pray!
This hypertext document contains pointers to Internet-accessible files
relating to the early church, including canonical documents, creeds, the
writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical texts relavant to
church history.
This page is the start of an attempt to group various Church documents
by their subject.
Current topics are: Abortion and Human Life Issues - Africa - America
- Art and Music (Sacred) -Asia - Bible and Scriptural Studies - Bishops
- The Church - Communication - Communism and Socialism - Deacons - Eastern
Churches - Education and Evangelization - Errors and Heresy - The Eucharist
- Europe - Jesus Christ and Christology - Lay People - Liturgy - Marriage
and Family Issues - Mary - Masonic Groups - Moral Teachings - Other Religions
and Traditions - Philosophy and Theology - Priests - Religious Life - Sexuality
- Social Justice - Women - Not Yet Classified
A number of documents are available here which are by and/or about
the Roman Catholic Church. They include:
The Documents of the Council of Trent
The Documents of the Second Vatican Council
Encyclicals and Other Papal Documents
Vatican Statements
United States Bishop Statements
The new Catechism of the Catholic Church
(British Edition)
Writings of the Church Fathers/Doctors/Saints
Encyclicals (a letter circulated by a bishop to all of the churches
in his care) and other letters and documents from recent popes are available
here. The popes are:
Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
Paul III (1534-1549)
Benedict XIV (1740-1758)
Gregory XVI (1831-1846)
Pius IX (1846-1878)
Leo XIII (1878-1903)
Pius X (1903-1914)
Benedict XV (1914-1922)
Pius XI (1922-1939)
Pius XII (1939-1958)
John XXIII (1958-1963)
Paul VI (1963-1978)
John Paul II (1978- )
Founded by Saint Dominic Guzman in the 13th century. The Order's first
purpose is to bring the Gospel to places and peoples hostile to the Church.
The mission of the Order has thus always included work in academic institutions
and in situations of militant opposition to Christianity. Dominican priests,
brothers, nuns, sisters and laity are to be found in all walks of life,
from scholars to artists and musicians (covering every genre from chant
to rock) preaching not only by words but also in every endevour of human
culture. These pages give further insight into the diversity of the Order
and its mottoes of Veritas (Truth) and Praedicare, Laudare,
Benedicere (Preach, Praise, Bless).
All you ever wanted to know about the contentious issues of Catholic
and Christian faith in our time! From the introduction to the page:
Roman Catholicism is not a religion of hierarchy, oppression, and male
power. Both those who attack Catholicism and conservative Catholics seek
to demonstrate the opposite: both unite in portraying the Catholic Church
as primarily an organized power structure obsessed with controlling its
members' bodies. But the Catholicism of one fifth of the world's people
has little to do with this monster. Rather it is a religion which at its
very fundamental level is life-affirming, earth-affirming, and love-affirming.
Catholics believe that Jesus of Nazareth revealed the nature of God to
human beings. God it turns out is not some stern "father"
always looking to punish, but a parent so in love with the world that
he became, for a time, part of the world. For Catholics the universe is
not a cold meaningless place, but a Cosmos beating to the drum of Divine
Grace. This "grace" - God's self-giving, comes to us through spirit and
matter. For a Catholic the world is always an opportunity to experience
grace - through other human beings, through art, through saints, and through
the religious methods of the Church known as sacraments.
The British Catholic paper with a great deal of insightful comment.
It does not shrink from the disputed issues of the life of faith, yet always
approaches the subject with balance and good manners.
A comprehensive survey of Catholic sites arranged by subject. Excellent
Catholic links resource.
Also excellent for its links. Among its many features are links displaying
photographs of the Holy Land, other places of Catholic interest and great
works of art.
Also a place for making links. There is a comprehensive list of catholic
parishes and institutions on the web.
The Catholic Worker Movement founded by Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day
in 1933 is grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every
human person. Today over 125 Catholic Worker communities remain committed
to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled,
hungry, and foresaken. Catholic Workers continue to protest injustice,
war, racism, and violence of all forms.
The goal of Catholic Ministry Network is to promote and develop Catholic
ministry by electronically connecting the people that
make it happen. Unlike a parish library, CMN Online is a dynamic, up-to-date,
and interactive way to resource your ministry. Members have access to unlimited
files, graphics, news and even computer programs.
Is also a Catholic ISP for the USA and Canada. Their pages contain
a variety of material and links. This site is graphics and Java intense
in some places. From the mission statement:
The Mission of Catholic Online is to Serve as a Center for the Exchange
of Information for Catholics and All People of God, to Help them Deepen
their understanding of Our Catholic Faith.
Catholic Online is here to Help Guide All People of God back to the
Community of Christ. For it is God's will to bring all human beings into
one people, united in Christ, overcoming all that now divides Mankind.
Catholic Online is here to Serve the World Wide Catholic Community.
A virtual heavenly bus company that connects you with Catholic Parishes
in the US. A commercial site as part of the the Catholic Catalogue Company.