MacKenzie and Cash

I'm afraid I haven't much information on these families but here is the little I have.

Emma CASH (1867?-1916) married Malcolm MACKENZIE (ca. 1855-1918). Family stories about the MacKenzies are inconsistent. One is that Malcolm and a brother (Willy) came from Scotland (we don't know where) via Nova Scotia to MA and then NY. The marriage may have occurred in or around Boston. Willy may have died in the US Civil War (as a paid draft substitute but I have no other info.) Another is that Malcolm was born in NY or MA and his father came over. Sometime they used MacKenzie, sometimes they dropped the 'a' (McKenzie)

The background of Emma is also uncertain. The family story is she was from MA but other records point to NY and PA. I'm looking now at Emma Cash, dau of Ellen, in Westmoreland Co., PA

In the 1890s Eamma and Malcolm settled in NY City. Most records I have found place the McKENZIEs in the Bronx. They had 5 children (John Alexander, Isabel, Willy, Mary and Helen) but only 2 of these had children. John Alexander MacKenzie was born in Shadyside NJ (now Fairview or Edgewater). Isabel McKenzie was born in NY.

I am a grandson of their daughter Isabel MacKenzie (sometimes Isabella or Bella) who married William RIEDY.

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