Tips on Irish Genealogy

These tips just point you in the direction of some good resources. In your case some may be helpful and some not so helpful.

1. Maybe someone has already done a good bit of work on your family but you don't know it. Perhaps a third or fourth cousin you don't know. Or there might be some people searching the same surname who are not closely related but may have some advice. One way to check that out is my surname page at:

or you might want to look at the IGSI page for surname resources:

2. There are also mailing lists where you get emails on a topic which could be a surname or interest such as Irish genealogy or even as local as Co Limerick genealogy. Maillists work by sending a copy of each message to posted to all subscribers. Some lists are very small and some are large. The IGSI (Irish Genealogical Society International) has a page about mailing lists at:

My favorite for Irish genealogy is the SHAMROCK list. It is medium sized with about 1000 subscribers. Not so large that you are overwhelmed but large enough. The list is highly focused on Irish genealogy so you can find answers to questions or just learn by reading what is posted. To SUBSCRIBE (to the Digest)send an email with just the word "subscribe" (no quotes) in the body of an email to (Substitute SHAMROCK-L for SHAMROCK-D if you prefer individual messages) I like the digest myself.

Generally on lists, it is good practice to subscribe and then just read messages for a week or 2 before you post. Get a feel for the list. And read the welcome message you get when subscibing. List owners often describe the type things that are allowed and not allowed on their lists. Mail lists are a very powerful way to get your message in front of many people who may be able to help. Make a good first impression. Learn the types of things that are unacceptable on the list, how people ask questions, etc.

3. There are also many websites with good information. If you are new to Irish genealogy you might want to check out one of these:

If you have a place name in Ireland and don't know where it is try the 3 sites listed below. Remember the spelling you have may not be correct so if you can't find a match try spelling variations. Or sometimes if you mention it on a list (see #2 above) maybe someone will recognize it. But try these first.

If you're ready to move beyond the basics, one of these would be a good starting point.

4. This relates to all above. Let others know the names you are searching and the questions you have. Maybe you'll find someone or someone will find you and they may know more (or less). The real power of the internet is not the records you'll find online. There are some but not that many. It is the person-to-person sharing that goes on. It may be on very general matters or very specific but it only happens when people know about each other. Participate in a maillist list if you want. Also leave queries and register your surname interested when you can. You might want to explore Rootsweb. They have a very large web site with all sorts of resources. They are the online home of many genealogical societies (including the IGSI) and host many mail lists (including SHAMROCK). And among many things you will find the the world's largest surname interest list.

5. There is an amazing amount of information on the internet, most of it free. Just look at my search page for more information on searching options.

Most all of it's a hobby (although it borders on obsession in many cases) so enjoy it.

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