If you have found yourself here, you must be interested in meeting new people. I am too, and I think this is a great way to do just that. It wouldn't be fair to ask you all about yourself, with out introducing myself first, so the first entry is mine. Have fun! Eva

Ellen - 05/06/00 00:37:17
My Email:Ladybug6359
Your favorite hobby:: sewing
Your favorite web site:: http://
Your all time favorite movie:: Pretty woman
Your favorite color/s:: purple
Your favorite TV show:: ER
Your favorite RPG or game:: any card game
I love your site, it's great!!!!!!!!

Sky Silver Flame - 04/11/99 19:13:45
My Email:mosephine@earthlink.net
Your favorite hobby:: dancing
Your favorite web site:: http://
Your favorite color/s:: black, emerald green
Your favorite TV show:: Buffy
Your favorite RPG or game:: Vampire
Hi my dearest friend, Your an inspiration to us all and I hope you are well.I will be getting my webpage up soon. Come visit me when I do. Sky Silver Flame

Christine - 01/13/99 04:10:45
Your favorite hobby:: hangin' with Eva
Your favorite web site:: http://Eva's Secret Heart
Your all time favorite movie:: The Name of the Rose
Your favorite color/s:: black, red, emerald green
Your favorite TV show:: buffy
Your favorite RPG or game:: anything white wolf
Eva you are the best friend I've ever had. You've been the most wonderful and supportive friend since we met, (only 8 months ago). Thank you and good luck. Blessed Be Sky Silver Flame

10/26/98 19:54:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Asriel Malloy - 08/26/98 02:18:49
My Email:Bloodydino@yahoo.com
Your favorite hobby:: Vampires
Your favorite web site:: http://
Your all time favorite movie:: Interveiw With the Vampire
Your favorite color/s:: Black, red, green
Your favorite TV show:: American Gothic
I like this page even though I was just wandering when I found it. I am curious and happy.

Anita Laszlo - 08/22/98 14:12:35
My Email:isis21@hotmail.com
Your favorite hobby:: Anything creative
Your favorite web site:: http://
Your all time favorite movie:: Out of Africa
Your favorite color/s:: white, burnt orange
Your favorite TV show:: Friends
Your favorite RPG or game:: Tombraider II
Hi, I really liked the site and found it not just interesting but also very intriguing and moving. Thank you for restoring my faith again.

Calystia - 07/25/98 07:02:56
My URL:http://www.icdc.com/~calencia/calystia/
My Email:Calencia@icdc.com
Your favorite hobby:: bellydancing
Your favorite web site:: http://www.demonolatry.com/
Your all time favorite movie:: Dr. Zhivago
Your favorite color/s:: black
Your favorite TV show:: Xena
Your favorite RPG or game:: Warcraft II
I am a traditional Satanist (devil-worshipper) and demonolator, not the modern LaVey type that hates Wiccans and other occultists. I believe all our magic comes from the same source - Satan, and that is not synonymous with "evil" BTW; he is the god of en ightenment. I like your page, very interesting. I don't know much about witchcraft, would like to learn more. What type of witch are you - Wiccan? Do you worship a particular god or goddess? Please visit my site.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 12:08:29
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

jimbob - 06/26/98 21:44:31
My URL:/athens/parthenon/6176
My Email:layrcjw@nottingham.ac.uk
Your favorite hobby:: songwriting
Your favorite web site:: mine!
Your all time favorite movie:: Batman Returns
Your favorite color/s:: Black, racing green, purple.
Your favorite TV show:: Have I Got News For You
Your favorite RPG or game:: Starship Command (Electron, 1983)
Wowser! A decent site with some decent text! Well worth reading and cool to look at - you are truly a beacon. Congrats.

Cameron Rose - 04/23/98 21:22:53
My URL:/RainForest/Vines/5924
My Email:cameron_rose@hotmail.com
Your favorite hobby:: Computers or wrestling
Your favorite web site:: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/5924
Your all time favorite movie:: Pulp Fiction
Your favorite color/s:: Red and black
Your favorite TV show:: WWF Monday Night Raw
Your favorite RPG or game:: Lunar: Eternal Blue
This is a nice site you have here. Keep up the good work!

cassandra - 03/27/98 17:24:00
Your favorite hobby:: reading
Your favorite web site:: http://www.lyrics.ch
Your all time favorite movie:: the shaw shank redemption
Your favorite color/s:: purple
Your favorite TV show:: all my children

nicol - 12/08/97 02:28:39
My URL:http://none
My Email:nic28@webtv.net
Your favorite hobby:: music, reading
Your favorite web site:: http://none yet
Your all time favorite movie:: excalibur
Your favorite color/s:: red, black, white
Your favorite TV show:: dont like tv too much
Your favorite RPG or game:: no games
i liked what you had to say, i have been "working" in solitary for just over five years. i see so many trendy and scary people around, i dont feel that i can trust anyone. is it like that for you?? I would love to hear back from you if you had time. I' going to check the links you have.

Carol L. Hargrave - 10/31/97 19:08:46
My Email:chargrav@carsinfo.com
Your favorite hobby:: role playing, singing
Your favorite web site:: http://www.nascar.com
Your all time favorite movie:: Labrynth
Your favorite color/s:: electric blue/black
Your favorite TV show:: babylon 5
Your favorite RPG or game:: Vampire:the masquerade
If I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you. --Old Hindu Quote

HONORARIUS - 10/03/97 16:23:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6175
My Email:honorarius@hotmail.com
Your favorite hobby:: Nihilism
Your favorite web site:: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6175
Your all time favorite movie:: 1984
Your favorite color/s:: Green/Black
Your favorite RPG or game:: Nihilist Purity Tests

Eva Sines - 09/30/97 00:30:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/EvaSines/evaindex.htm
My Email:EvaSines@aol.com
Your favorite hobby:: Ceramics at the moment
Your favorite web site:: http://www.benjerry.com/halloween/index.html
Your all time favorite movie:: Somewhere in Time
Your favorite color/s:: purple
Your favorite TV show:: Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Xena
Your favorite RPG or game:: World of Darkness Vampire or Werewolf
I am a romantic and a dreamer, shy with strangers and very open among friends. I hope you will fall into the later category. My dreams are to buy and run a Bed and Breakfast in the Heartland of America someday, maybe even in my native Ohio country. I h ve been collecting recipes and decorating ideas. I want to feature beautiful gardens and home cooked meals in a rural or small town setting. Hopefully it will be a place near a private college or where the antiquing and sightseeing is good. You can sha e anything you like with me here...

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