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Boyertown Summary


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The band made another wonderful performance this year at the 38th annual Boyertown Cavalcade of Bands. In all, 11 bands of various sizes and from all over the eastern part of the state performed. Tri-Valley was the second band to compete and, as usual, rose to the challenge by giving their best performance of the year. All of the band members were thrilled with their performance and scores. In only their second year competing at Boyertown, the band captured 11 Outstanding ratings and finished overall, with an Excellent rating and just missing an Outstanding rating. These great scores were a reflection of the pride of the organization and the wonderful support of friends and family, and all of the fans in attendance. The band now looks forward to the Tamaqua Band Festival in two weeks, where they plan to continue their success as one of Schuylkill County's premier marching bands.


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Copyright © 1997 Tri-Valley High School Bulldog Marching Band
Last modified: October 6, 1997