In My Power
Out of balance… I am a fragment of myself
Lost, confused, so alone.

In balance I expand and become all of me. 
Possibilities are endless, I am Wonder Woman 
Nothing is impossible
I can do anything

My mind is filled with endless possibilities. 
I grow into all the empty corners of myself.
All those corners seldom used. 

I glide in and throw open the windows.
As light and love flows through
my entire being.

Like the changing seasons,
From chaos and confusion,
Dark, cloudy skies,
Rain, and thunder,
to brilliant sunshine

Spring flowers in vibrant hues, bluest of blue skies,
The contrast is drastic
Like two personalities,
Two different people
One powerful, balanced,
optimistic, bubbly, playful.

The other frightened, demure, depressed,
fatigued, fragile.

I hope through this time of change to come more
and more into all the recesses of my being.

To share my journey with others, I need to step into 
all the various parts of myself The darkest corners of my soul…

To integrate with the brightest light within
without shame or judgment.

For they are all a part of me
Precious pieces.

All experiences, all memories, all feelings,
Have rounded me into this person
standing before you now.

A woman well experienced
in the ways of this world.

Well versed in many aspects of life,

A woman standing in her Power.
Cassie Hepburn, March 1998

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Image Credit
- "Visioning" (1987) by Susan Seddon Boulet