Peace Pages
Thank you for taking the time to visit my web pages.  I have put a lot of time
and work into and will be continuing to update them.  I welcome comments,
suggestions, corrections, and additions.  Please email me and/or sign the guest book.
I have put these pages together primarily in response to the tragedies
occurring in the United States on September 11, 2001, and the continuing
repercussions and results.  I know that the current situation is very
difficult and there are no easy answers. I am not attempting to provide any
comprehensive answer to the current situation.  I only hope to present some
alternatives that will hopefully make a positive difference in the long run. 
I also hope to provide resources for those look for ways to work for peace and justice.
Thank you for allowing me to share my beliefs with you and for respecting them. I respect your own beliefs and do not wish to show disrespect for them.
Organizations working for peace and social justice around the world
Suggested actions and ways to get involved
Quotes about Peace and Justice
Slogans and posters and stickers for you to use in your communities
Buy buttons, stickers, posters, books, etc. about peace and justice
Peace prayers and mediations from a variety of traditions
Words from and about Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; words and expression from others about the tragedies of September 11 and about peace
Alternative Media reporting
More links about peace and justice
Links to web page building resources on peace
My Personal Peace Statement
My Poem "Am I Crazy?"
to illustrated menu
my main page

last modified October 10, 2002
On these pages, you won't find ways to get back at terrorists or Osama bin Laden. You won't find support for punitive "justice." You won't find support for violent or military methods for resolving the current situations. I believe that not all judgment or consequences are to be faced on earth and in this life. I believe that God/Creator/Higher Power is still in change and that God/Creator/Higher Power will make final judgments on all of us for the lives we have lived on earth after our lives are done.
On these pages you will find resources for peace and justice
Peace Pledge