*** Webmaster Note *** Let me know if there's any problems with the zip files. Email me at brandywine@innocent.com. Thanks.
Norns from Tonia's Dark and Kalin:
Norns from Slink's Soap Opera:
FlowerPower (m) - Hippy Norn from Lis Morris' website
Nova (f) - Hippy Norn from Lis Morris' website
Amnotgrey (f) - Ron norn from a hopeful gengineer, color only altered
Ema (f) - Forest Norn from a proud breederNova x FlowerPower => Roddy (m) and Snort (m)
Ema x Roddy => Candy (f), Brad (m) and Little Bit (m)
Amnotgrey x Snort => Whuffle (m)