The most important source page of Canada on the web. If you would like to look up a postal code, census reports, history of this country etc., it is all here.
Altavista Canada Search Engine
This search engine will take you to any Canadian topic of interest you are seeking. You will save yourself many hours if this engine is used since it only covers Canadian content.
News from Across Canada
A complete list of every Canadian newspaper on line. So....if you would like to find out for example, how your town's folks are doing in Plaster Rock New Brunswick, this is where you would look. ( Yes there Is such a place as Plaster Rock)
B.C. Provincial Exams
Complete exams with answer keys from 1994-1997 in all grade twelve provincial exams.
Canadian WWW Servers by Province
Canadian WWW Servers by Scope
A Tour of Canada CMU
Canadian Cultural WWW Sites, a must visit!
Canadian Government Departments
Canadian Heritage, use this form to get a free Canadian flag.
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Canadian News Digest, get up to date Canadian news here.
Schools Home Pages, one of the best listings, from Web66 U Minnesota.
Canadian Studies and Canadiania, good source of canadian information.
Canadian Studies Web Sites
Canadian Travel Page from Fleethouse Canada.
Canadian Universities, from AUCC
Canadian Universities, from Yahoo.
Carlson On-Line Services, on-line headlines, excellent business links.
CBC Radio and TV
Discovery Channel, Canada
Canadians, an interesting list from CLN in BC.
Government and Politics
Heritage Canada
Street Cents Online
MacLeans Magazine
Network Services Interfaces Lab Ottawa, includes CBC Links, Healthcare.
Revenue Canada
Statistics Canada Web Server
The Globe and Mail
Yahoo Canada, the reference for Canada!