Enrichment Sites for Kids Links to the Top Rated Enrichment Sites for Kids on the Web

Enrichment Sites for Kids:

National Geographic Kids

Royal Ontario Museum

Rome Reborn: the Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture
Guide to Museums and Cultural Resources
World Art Treasures

Electronic Zoo
Visit the zoo and learn about a variety of animals. This is a great field trip !

The Supersite for Kids !
One of the Most spectacular sites to visit. Run !!! Do not walk to this site.

Kids Links
Just exactly what it says. Fabulous links for kids leading to wherever you want to go.

Owl Kids Online
One of the best magazines for children in North America. This is a Canadian publication with lots of educational content. Well worth a visit.

Electronic Field trip to the United Nations
Go on this field trip !!! It's educational and a great deal of fun.

The Ancient Greeks
An excellent educational website about the Athenians of ancient Greece. This excellent site contains many graphics and photos, and describes their beliefs, culture, art, philosophies, theatre, drama, lifestyles and Olympic games.

A source for the best children's magazines on the web.

Children's Storybooks Online
One of the best children's websites on the web with wonderful graphics.