Though the Bible does not specifically describe the instrument that Jesus died upon, tradition has it that He was put to death on a cross, consisting of a stake and a crossbeam. While the Christian Church has never considered the exact method of Jesus' crucifixion or impalement as a major concern, the Watchtower has certainly made an issue of it. In doing so, they hold true to their pattern of majoring on the minors; often distracting their followers from more important issues.
     The Watchtower considers the churches as "unclean" for using the symbol of the cross for the death of Jesus. While it is agreed that worship of the cross or any other symbol is wrong, the use of a symbol for illustrative purposes has never been wrong, either in the Old Testament or New Testament records... For instance , cherubs (angels) were embroidered on the curtains of the tabernacle in Moses' time (Ex. 26:1). The Watchtower even uses a "watch tower" as their own special symbol.
     Up until the late 30's the Watchtower pictured Christ as dying on the traditional cross. However, while later eliminating the cross as well as the name of Jesus from their front cover, they continued to use a watch tower as their symbol. In the book Enemies, (1937), Watchtower President J.F. Rutherford attacked the traditional story of the cross as wrong because "the cross was worshipped by the Pagan Celts long before the [birth] and death of Christ." (pp.188-189).
     With no accompanying historical or archaeological evidence, Rutherford stated his new doctrine as fact. Actually, what Pagans did with crosses before the death of Christ has nothing to do with how the Romans crucified people. Besides, Jesus did not choose his instrument of death.

The current Society objections to the cross are:
1. The Biblical Greek doesn't suggest a cross, but rather a "pole" or "stake."
2. The cross was a pagan symbol later adopted by the "apostate" church.
3. Archaeology proves that Jesus died on an upright stake rather than a cross.
4. The cross is to be shunned rather than mentioned or displayed.

     To determine what Jesus died upon, we need to consider what the Greek language tells us, what history tells us, and most importantly, what the Bible tells us. Furthermore, we must consider the significance of the cross to the Christian, and whether it is a subject of shame or of great joy.

Let's consider the answers to the Watchtower objections one by one:

     In 1950 with the release of The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, the Appendix (pp. 768-771) first argues that the Greek word "stavros" (Matt. 10:38) and "xylon"(Acts 10:30) do not mean a cross, and stated that these words only mean an upright stake without a crossbeam, and that there is no proof to the contrary.
     The Greek "stavros" is sometimes used to describe a simple stake, and other times a more complex form such as the cross. The Latin word "crux" usually translated "cross," was also at times used to refer to a mere stake. What the Watchtower specifically ignores is that the Romans DID execute prisoners on crosses - an issue they are careful to sidestep in their presentation.
     Authoritative lexicons give the definition of "stavros" as "a stake sunk into the earth in an upright position; a cross-piece was often attached to its upper part." (Greek-English Lexicon, Arndt and Gingrich, p.772)

     Whatever usage of the cross existed before or after the time of Christ is irrelevant to the issue. Additionally, there is no conclusive evidence that 1st century Jews or Christians looked upon the crucifixion cross as a symbol of worship. It was used as a means to an end - the punishment or death of a criminal. Symbols mean different things at different times.
     While the Catholic church may have later capitalized on the cross and some even today regard it as an idol, that does not affect the earlier Biblical usage of the cross as a symbol of the gospel. Whatever Catholics did later is beside the point. Evidence reveals that as early as the first century there were Christians who used the cross as a symbol for Christianity.

     Historical findings record more decisive proof on the method of crucifixion and have substantiated the traditional cross.

(A) A graffito dating to shortly after 200 A.D., taken from the walls of the Roman Platine. It is a drawing of a crucified ass, a mockery of a Christian prisoner who worships Christ.. The Romans were no doubt amused that Christian worshipped this Jesus whom they crucified on a cross.

(B) In 1939 excavations at Herculaneum, the sister city of Pompeii, (destroyed in 78 A.D. by volcano) produced a house where a wooden cross had been nailed to the wall of a room. (Buried History, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 1974, p.15)

(C) Excerpts from the secular magazine, Biblical Archaeology Review, (Jan/Feb, 1985. pp.48,49) given by an archaeologist regarding Roman crucifixion in Jesus' time:
     "During this early period, a wooden beam, known as a "patibulum" was placed on the slave's neck and bound to his arms. The slave was then required to march through the neighborhood proclaiming his offense. Later, the slave was also stripped and scourged, increasing both the punishment and the humiliation. Ahead of the march to the execution site was a soldier carrying the "titulus," an inscription written on wood, which stated the defendant's name and the crime for which he had been condemned. When the procession arrived at the execution site, a vertical stake was forced into the ground.
     The victim was attached to the "patibulum" and stake either with ropes or nails. In order to prolong the agony, Roman executioners devised two instruments that would keep the victim alive on the cross for extended periods of time. One, known as a "sedile," was a small seat attached to the front of the cross, about halfway down. Both Irenaus and Justin Martyr, early church fathers, describe the cross of Jesus as having five extremities rather than four; the fifth was probably the "sedile."

Special note of interest:
     Weak from scourging with whips, Christ still carried the wood that he was to be nailed to. Then the Romans forced Simon of Cyrene to carry it. Did they carry a crossbeam or a longer pole to be stuck into the ground?
     A mere crossbeam 10 inches in diameter and 8 feet long would weigh over 145 pounds. The Watchtower's My Book of Bible Stories shows an upright pole about 8 to 10 inches in diameter. To allow for his hands to be over his head as pictured there, plus the inscription, and for Him to be so high up that a sponge on the end of a reed was used to give Him a drink, the stake would rise at least 11 feet above ground plus 4 feet buried for support. Such a stake would weigh 300 pounds or more. Who could carry it?
**II Chron. 1:15 names sycamore as the wood most common tree in Israel. Sycamore wood weighs about 34 lbs. per cubic foot.

(D) In the Appendix of the 1950 and 1969 editions of The New World Translation, the Society reproduces one of sixteen woodcut illustrations by the 16th century writer Justus Lipsius who authored separate works called De Cruce Liber Primus, Secundus, and Tres. The Society reproduces his picture of a man impaled on an upright stake, failing to mention that Lipsius produced fifteen other illustrations that depict various crucifixions methods. The Watchtower makes this statement under their picture:
     "This is the manner in which Jesus was impaled."

The New World Translation makes its final point in saying:
     "The evidence is, therefore, completely lacking that Jesus Christ was crucified on two pieces of timber placed at a right angle. We refuse to add anything to God's written Word by inserting the pagan cross into the inspired Scriptures, but render stavros and xylon according to the simplest meanings...The passing of time and further archaeological discoveries will be certain to prove its correctness. Even now the burden rests on all who contend for the religious tradition to prove that Jesus died on more than just a simple stake." (p.771)

     The most amazing thing of all is that the Society could make a statement such as "evidence is completely lacking" that Jesus was crucified on a cross when the VERY BOOK they use by Lipsius as "proof" to support their claims says JESUS DIED ON A CROSS! The woodcut by Lipsius NOT mentioned by the Watchtower shows a crucifixion on a cross. A partial translation of the Latin text alongside this woodcut says,
     "In the Lord's cross there were four pieces of wood, the upright beam, the crossbar, a tree trunk (piece of wood) placed below, and the title (inscription) placed above."
     Also, they hand down this account by Irenaus, an Early church Father:
     "The construction of the cross has five ends, two on the vertical and two on the horizontal, and one in the middle where the person attached with nails rested." (De Cruce Liber Secundus, p.661)

     Confrontations of their dishonesty induced the Society to remove the fraudulent description under their picture, but they STILL use Lipsius' picture to illustrate their point, while failing to tell the real story! They are intentionally avoiding the truth.
     And as for their statement claiming "the passing of time and further archaeological discoveries proving their point to be true," - why did they omit it in the 1984 and 1985 versions of the New World Translation? Precisely because of the more recent archaeological finds as noted above!

     While the Jews may have considered the cross a shameful thing, the Apostle Paul boasted of the cross of Christ. In Galatians 6:14 he says:
     "But may it never be that I would boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."
     Paul plainly gloried in the symbol of the cross, it was a sign of victory; not defeat. In I Corinth. 1:17,18 he says:
     "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

     Christians are not afraid of the cross nor do they worship it. It is a symbol of the greatest act of love ever!

     One cannot help but notice the series of events as recorded in Matthew 27:26, 31-37, Mark 15:14-26, Luke 23:26-38, and John 19:1-22 (regarding the death of Jesus) and their harmony with the method of crucifixion as described by the articles in Biblical Archaeology Review and other sources. It appears that Jesus carried the crossbeam (patibulum) to Golgotha. There, the patibulum was affixed to an upright stake, perhaps have a seat or foot piece, and Jesus was nailed onto the whole structure. Above Him was placed the title: JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Matthew 27:37 - "Above His HEAD they placed the charge." (NOT "above His hands")

     The most conclusive passage of all that Christ was crucified on a cross is given by the Apostle John who tells us that Thomas, who was not there when Jesus first appeared to the rest, refused to believe it was actually Jesus. He told the others in John 20:25:
     "The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the NAILS, and put my finger into the print of the NAILS, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe." (caps mine)
     Note that Thomas knew there were more than one nail that punctured Jesus' hands. Yet, the Watchtower always pictures Jesus as having ONE NAIL through both hands! Responding to outside challenges, they try to imply that Thomas was sloppy in his speech - saying that even though Thomas mentions only the nail holes in Jesus' hands, he might have been referring to the nail holes in His feet as well.
     Since the evidence has swung against them, the Society resorts to statements that accuse the opposition of what they themselves are guilty of. As usual, they shift the blame to cover themselves.

     In its "Reasoning From the Scriptures" book, the Watchtower Society quotes from several sources to support their "torture stake" theory.
     These publications not only seem authoritative, but also seem to support the Society's claims regarding the "torture stake" rather than the traditional cross. However, unbeknown to many, the Watchtower Society has not been honest in its quotations of its sources.
     For example, one publication that the Society quotes in its "Reasoning..." book on page 89 is The Imperial Bible Dictionary. Below is the Watchtower quotation, with the words that they omitted in RED:
     "The Imperial Bible Dictionary acknowledges this, saying: "The Greek word for cross, (stauros), properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling (fencing in) a piece of ground. But a modification was introduced as the dominion and usages of Rome extended themselves through Greek-speaking countries. Even amongst the Romans, the crux (from which the word cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole, and always remained the more prominent part. But from the time that it began to be used as an instrument of punishment, a traverse piece of wood was commonly added...about the period of the Gospel Age, crucifixion was usually accomplished by suspending the criminal on a cross piece of wood."

     On page 91 of the "Reasoning..." book the Society quotes from The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art by G.S. Tyack to show that the cross was originally used in pagan worship, but they do NOT go on to quote:
     "In all this, the Christians of the first age would have rejoiced, claiming it as a worldwide prophecy of the Cross of the Redeemer."

     Next in the "Reasoning..." book, the Society uses material from The Worship of the Dead by Colonel J. Garnier. The Society quotes from page 226 of Garnier's book but neglects page 225 which says:
     "Sin crucified is Salvation, but it is only by one cross that the power to do so is obtained, and that Cross is the cross of Christ."

     Lastly, omissions (in RED) from a quote from A Short History of Sex- Worship by H. Cutner, states:
     "Various figures of crosses found everywhere on Egyptian monuments and tombs, and are considered by many authorities as symbolic either of the phallus (a representation of the male sex organ) or of coition. Boring-Gould is of the contrary opinion and refuses to identify the cross with the phallus.....in Egyptian tombs the crux ansata (cross with a circle of handle on top) is found side by side with the phallus. The question of their connection is still hotly disputed."

     Notice how the FULL quotations above actually support the Christian Cross and NOT the stake! What honest Christian organization would deliberately misquote reference works in this way in order to support its own theories?

Bible Review, April 1989

     Medical research was done by a pathology professor from Columbia University on crucifixion. Among the conclusions were:

1. Jesus did not die of asphyxiation, but rather from shock and trauma, due to a combination of exhaustion, pain, and loss of blood.

2. An impaled man with arms stretched straight over his head (as the Watchtower depicts) would suffocate in 6 minutes, due to the inability of the lungs to expand and contract in such a position. Whereas a man with hands outstretched at an angle of 60ø-70ø (as in a cross) could live for hours without suffocating.
(Luke 23:44 and Matthew 27:45,46 show that Christ was on the cross alive for about 3 hours. The evidence points again to death on a traditional cross.)


"And because the cross was to express the grace [of our redemption] by the letter T,..." Epistle of Barnabas, ch. 9

"...the Spirit speaks to the heart of Moses, that he should make a figure of the cross, and of Him about to suffer thereon; for unless they put their trust in Him, they shall be overcome for ever. Moses therefore placed one weapon above another in the midst of the hill, and standing upon it, so as to be higher than all the people, he stretched forth his hands, and thus again Israel acquired the mastery. But when again he let down his hands, they were again destroyed. For what reason? That they might know that they could not be saved unless they put their trust in Him." Epistle of Barnabas, ch. 12

"...but Jesus Christ stretched forth His hands, being crucified by the Jews speaking against Him,..." Justin Martyr - First Apology, ch. 35

CHAP. LV.--SYMBOLS OF THE CROSS. "But in no instance, not even in any of those called sons of Jupiter, did they imitate the being crucified; for it was not understood by them, all the things said of it having been put symbolically. And this, as the prophet foretold, is the greatest symbol of His power and role; as is also proved by the things which fall under our observation. For consider all the things in the world, whether without this form they could be administered or have any community. For the sea is not traversed except that trophy which is called a sail abide safe in the ship; and the earth is not ploughed without it: diggers and mechanics do not their work, except with tools which have this shape. And the human form differs from that of the irrational animals in nothing else than in its being erect and having the hands extended, and having on the face extending from the forehead what is called the nose, through which there is respiration for the living creature; and this shows no other form than that of the cross." Justin Martyr - First Apology, ch. 55

"And the physiological discussion concerning the Son of God in the Timoeus of Plato, where he says, "He placed him crosswise in the universe," he borrowed in like manner from Moses; for in the writings of Moses it is related how at that time, when the Israelites went out of Egypt and were in the wilderness, they fell in with poisonous beasts, both vipers and asps, and every kind of serpent, which slew the people; and that Moses, by the inspiration and influence of God, took brass, and made it into the figure of a cross, and set it in the holy tabernacle, and said to the people, "If ye look to this figure, and believe, ye shall be saved thereby." And when this was done, it is recorded that the serpents died, and it is handed down that the people thus escaped death. Which things Plato reading, and not accurately understanding, and not apprehending that it was the figure of the cross, but taking it to be a placing crosswise, he said that the power next to the first God was placed crosswise in the universe. And as to his speaking of a third, he did this because he read, as we said above, that which was spoken by Moses, "that the Spirit of God moved over the waters." For he gives the second place to the Logos which is with God, who he said was placed crosswise in the universe; and the third place to the Spirit who was said to be borne upon the water, saying, "And the third around the third." And hear how the Spirit of prophecy signified through Moses that there should be a conflagration. He spoke thus: "Everlasting fire shall descend, and shall devour to the pit beneath." It is not, then, that we hold the same opinions as others, but that all speak in imitation of ours." Justin Martyr - First Apology, ch. 60

"...the lamb which God enjoined to be sacrificed as the passover, was a type of Christ;...and that lamb which was commanded to be wholly roasted was a symbol of the suffering of the cross which Christ would undergo. For the lamb, which is roasted, is roasted and dressed up in the form of the cross. For one spit is transfixed right through from the lower parts up to the head, and one across the back, to which are attached the legs of the lamb." Justin Martyr - Dialogue with Trypho, ch. 40

"...for Moses first exhibited this seeming curse of Christ's by the signs which he made."...."When the people waged war with Amalek, and the son of Nave (Nun) by name Jesus (Joshua), led the fight, Moses himself prayed to God, stretching out both hands, and Hur with Aaron supported them during the whole day, so that they might not hang down when he got wearied. For if he gave up any part of this sign, which was an imitation of the cross, the people were beaten, as is recorded in the writings of Moses;..." Justin Martyr - Dialogue with Trypho, ch. 90

"Now, no one could say or prove that the horns of an unicorn represent any other fact or figure than the type which portrays the cross. For the one beam is placed upright, from which the highest extremity is raised up into a horn, when the other beam is fitted on to it, and the ends appear on both sides as horns joined on to the one horn. And the part which is fixed in the centre, on which are suspended those who are crucified, also stands out like a horn; and it also looks like a horn conjoined and fixed with the other horns." Justin Martyr - Dialogue with Trypho, ch. 91

"And again, by what Moses and Joshua did, the same thing was symbolically announced and told beforehand. For the one of them, stretching out his hands, remained till evening on the hill, his hands being supported; and this reveals a type of no other thing than of the cross:" Justin Martyr - Dialogue with Trypho, ch. 111

"...and that He should be forsaken by His friends and those nearest to Him; and that He should stretch forth His hands the whole day long;" Irenaus Against Heresies, Book IV, ch. 33, section 12

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