God Spoke to Prophets Anciently - Does He Now?
"The Bible speaks of divinely called prophets who were God's spokesmen to His children. Would He not, in His wisdom and love, offer us the same benefit today?
The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, an ancient record brought forth by a modern-day prophet, testifies of Jesus Christ and confirms the fact that our Heavenly Father has again called prophets to provide us direction in today's difficult world."
But the Watchtower
magazine of 4-1-72 p.197 had THIS to say about the organization as being God's
They shall know that A PROPHET WAS AMONG
"So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help people, , to warn them of
dangers and to declare things to come?
This "prophet" was not one man, but a body of men and women. It
was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible
Students. Today, they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses."
So, are the Jehovah's Witnesses the ONLY religious organization
claiming that they are 'God's modern-day prophet'? No! And there are many more religious groups
besides the Mormons who likewise claim to be "God's prophet" in today's world.
Since this article is focusing on the beliefs and statements made
by the Watchtower Society, let us further examine what they have said about themselves being a
"prophet:" What is "inspiration?" Jehovah's Witnesses have angelic direction and support. Fulfillment is certain: Today, Jehovah has a spirit-directed organization:
The Watchtower's definition of a "prophet":
"The three essentials for establishing the
credentials of a true prophet, as given through Moses, were:
(a) The true prophet would speak in Jehovah's name
(b) the things foretold would come to pass (Deut 18: 20-22)
(c) and his prophesying must promote true worship."
- Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, 1988, p.696
How Jehovah's prophecies are made:
"The source of all true prophecy is
Jehovah God. He transmits it by means of his holy spirit or. occasionally, by spirit-directed angelic
- Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1, 1988, p.691
"What is here meant by the word
"inspired?" It means that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, moved these men by his spirit or invisible
empowering force, putting into their minds what they should write down as his "word," or message, for
- Good News to Make You Happy, 1976, p.14
Jehovah's "organization" is guided and directed by Jehovah's spirit:
"Jehovah's organization must
henceforth be guided and directed by Jehovah's spirit through the visible governing body made up of those
servants whom Jehovah himself would appoint."
- WT 6-1-65 p.352
Funk & Wagnall's Standard Dictionary defines the word "INSPIRE" as:
"direct or guide as by divine influence."
[These are the exact words that
the Society used just above to describe their organization!]
Who could be commissioned to speak as a "prophet in His name?"
"Was there any group on whom
Jehovah would be willing to bestow the commission to speak as a "prophet" in His name, as was done
toward Ezekiel?" - WT 3-15-72 p.189
Ezekiel and his present-day counterpart:
"Who is Ezekiel's present-day
counterpart, whose message and conduct correspond with that of that ancient prophet of Jehovah? It is,
not one person's body, but a composite body, made up of many members. All these members were together
to do the will of Jehovah, who is the Creator of this modern "Ezekiel." Who, then, are the group of
persons who, toward the beginning of this "time of the end" were commissioned to serve as the
mouthpiece and active agent of Jehovah? Jehovah has found and commissioned his modern-day Ezekiel. It
is a composite Ezekiel. It is composed of those dedicated, baptized proclaimers of God's kingdom, who
have been anointed with His spirit for their work. It was most fitting that they embraced the distinguishing
name Jehovah's witnesses."
- The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah, 1971, pp.
The Jeremiah "class" - a prophet to the nations:
"A "prophet to the nations" is what
Jehovah made him (Jeremiah). Now today, if anything, there needs to be a "prophet to the nations."
Jehovah has considerately raised up his "prophet to the nations." Jehovah has done this during the "time
of the end." The "prophet" whom Jehovah has raised up has been not an individual man as in the case of
Jeremiah, but a class. At this late date there is a mere remnant of this "prophet" class yet on earth. -
WT 10-1-82 pp. 26,27
The Watch Tower organization obviously puts itself in the SAME
"class" as Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Were Ezekiel and Jeremiah "inspired" prophets of
God's holy spirit and angelic direction affect current preaching activities:
"God's holy spirit and angelic direction
also played their part in the preaching work done by the apostle Peter...That same holy spirit and angelic
direction still affect the preaching activities of Christian ministers. How very much one should appreciate
being influenced by God's holy spirit and having angelic direction while bearing the name and declaring
the purposes and praises of the Most High as one of Jehovah's Christian witnesses." - WT 7-1-73
Angelic instructions is passed on to the remnant:
"These angels are invisible to human
eyes and are there to carry out the orders of the Lord. No doubt they first hear the instruction which the
Lord issues to his remnant and then these invisible messengers pass such instruction on to the
- Vindication, III, 1932, p.250
"Jehovah's witnesses today make their
declaration of the good news of the Kingdom under angelic direction and support. And since no word or
work of Jehovah can fail, for he is God Almighty, the nations will see the fulfillment of what these
witnesses say as directed from heaven." - WT 4-1-72 p.200
"Today, God does not speak to his
servants directly as he did to Job. Instead, he reproves them by means of his Word and his spirit-directed
organization." - WT 6-1-93 p.21
Word usage is critical in establishing the role of the Jehovah's
Witness organization as being "inspired."
The Society has used the same vocabulary doled out to those ancient
Biblical prophets who were inspired and has placed themselves in the same category of such inspired
prophets as Ezekiel and Jeremiah.
The Society still believes that angelic instruction is passed on to the
remnant. Exactly "how" these messages are transmitted has never been disclosed.
I wonder why?