At Central Junior High School, we offer a well rounded academic program extensively covering all areas of the state recommended curriculum. We seek to challenge the students and hope to inspire a lifelong love of learning.
Language Arts
Science - Our Science Department tries to meet the needs of all students in a variety of areas. Seventh grade students are introduced to basic earth and physical science topics during the first semester. Lab exercises are coordinated with classroom activities to enhance learning. Seventh graders are then introduced to basic life science and microbiology the second semester. Again, labs such as microscope and micro viewer are used to augment the knowledge areas.
Eighth grade students begin the year with a semester of more advanced life sciences including the dissection of simple invertebrates and vertebrates. During the second semester, the eighth grade students delve into more earth science topics relevant to today's world. Near the end of the final semester, the students receive science technology training using a laboratory based curriculum.
Social Studies
Visual Art
Music (Vocal)
Music (Instrumental) - Our band
is also under the direction of Mr. Mike Thomas. Annually, it marches
at various parades and also performs at two concerts. The band, in
cooperation with the chorus, also presents the "Central Cabaret" each fall.
It is a fund raising performance based on a nightclub show. People
who attend sit at tables, eat a meal, and then enjoy the forty-five minute
performance. This show is given twice nightly on a Friday and Saturday
night usually in October. The students enjoy performing just as much
as the audience enjoys watching them.
- The use of the English language is strongly stressed in our Communications
class. The students electing to take this class are required to learn
all facets of putting together our monthly ten page newspaper, The Junior
Redbird Notes. They learn to choose a topic for a column, program
the computer with respect to the column width and font, set the headline,
type the column by following the rules of good writing, proof read, and
submit the column for approval from our sponsor and instructor, Mr. McHaney.
After the article is approved, the student must cut and paste it onto a
galley for a print ready copy. During the months of
November thru January, the students must not only continue to put out a
monthly newspaper, they must also put together the forty proof pages for
the school yearbook. They must identify all photos, choose page layout
design, make photo montages, and have camera ready copy to submit to the
yearbook printer.
Wood Shop
Tech Prep