SCHOLASTIC BOWL - We offer participation in two scholastic bowl teams. One represents the 7th grade students and the other represents the 8th grade students. They are coached and sponsored by Mrs. Gayle Crawford. They practice either on their lunch hour or after school and sometimes it requires both. We host competitions with regional schools, as well as, travel and compete with schools, also within our region. We always participate in the state sponsored scholar bowl competition each year.
STUDENT COUNCIL - Our student council is made up of two elected representatives from each 7th grade and 8th grade homeroom. It is a school service oriented organization. To be a member in good standing, each member must maintain a 3.0 GPA and must not be considered a discipline problem. They are sponsored by Mr. Dave McHaney. They collect and recycle aluminum cans for their annual fund raising project. They have raised funds to donate a 28" television to be used in the classrooms with computers and/or video, a color Apple Stylewriter printer, and a television/computer/video cart. This year, in addition to their can collecting, they are attempting to raise one mile of pennies to contribute towards new textbooks for the 1998-1999 school year. When they finish, they will accumulate in excess of $840.00...all in pennies. They also come the first Saturday in December and decorate the entire school for the Christmas season. During our school fundraisers, it is the student council members' duty to help collect the money in homeroom each morning and deliver it to the office. They also help distribute the sold items to each student. It is one of the main goals of each student council member to become more aware of accepting responsibility to complete each assignment. We are proud of our Student Council.
- These students donate a period a day to work in our main office.
They are supervised by our secretary, Mrs. Teri Grimm, and our Principal,
Mrs. Linda Varis. They must maintain a 3.5 GPA and cannot have more
than two detentions a semester. They are taught to properly use the
Xerox machine, a variety of equipment including and must master telephone
etiquette and our filing system. They assist Mrs. Grimm with the
daily running of the school office. They also take messages to students
and teachers, as well as, deliver handouts including lunch bills, school
newspaper, etc. When not actively engaged in an office procedure,
they spend their office time studying. They are a great aid on a
daily basis and we are pleased with the students that participate in this
Student librarians have several responsibilities. They check out
books for students by stamping the book and the signed card with the date
the book is due. They must also check the dates of books that are
returned, replace the cards in the books, and put the books back on the
shelves. Each students has been assigned a certain number of shelves, and
it is their responsibility to keep those shelves neat and in the correct
order. They also dust shelves and straighten tables and chairs. This
is the student librarian's study hall, and it is their responsibility to
get their classwork done as well as their library work.