Bernice Isaacs, Linda Clark, Janet Crawford, & Mary Kay Ford
We are proud of our cooking staff at the Redbird Cafe

    The Redbird Cafe is the official name given to our cafeteria by our students; however, it serves as much more than just a room in which to eat a meal.

    Central Junior High School is a closed campus school.  Our students start arriving as early as 7:15 A.M. each morning.  The Redbird Cafe is the gathering spot for all students until the 8:00 A.M. bell rings signaling they may now enter the hallways and go to their lockers to prepare for their first hour class.  We found that just sitting and talking in the cafeteria tended to be boring, and students often got a little out of hand.  Mrs. Varis, our principal, put a jukebox in the Cafe.  This not only worked wonders at keeping the students occupied with music, but also raised funds needed by the school.  Students are allowed to suggest hit records they would like to have placed on the jukebox.  This insures that the jukebox will be played because of the selections the students want to hear.

    We also placed a large screen TV in the Cafe to entertain the students.  They are allowed to watch sporting events, cartoons, and educational programing which they seem to enjoy.  Mrs. Varis wisely placed the jukebox on one end of the Cafe and the TV on the opposite end.  This way, the sounds from one did not really affect sounds from the other.

    This year, 1997, we added two pinball machines.  This, once again, not only occupies the students time with enjoyment, but also raises those needed funds that every school craves.  The money from the jukebox and pinball machines will be placed in the textbook fund to purchase new textbooks.  This way, the students actually feel some pride knowing they are not just entertaining themselves, but helping to raise funds for new textbooks.

    Being in the center of an economically depressed area of the state, we have an extensive free breakfast and lunch program.  We offer a hot breakfast before school and a nutritious lunch, free of charge, for students whose parents are listed as earning a sub-standard living.  For some of our students, these are the only two hot, nutritious meals they receive.  We are pleased that our cooking staff works diligently to furnish this food with smiles on their faces and compassion in their hearts.  Fellow students never know who is getting the free meals and who is not.  A lot of students elect to bring a home lunch with them; and, on special occasions, a parent may request and receive permission to host a lunchtime pizza party for their child and friends.

    The Redbird Cafe is also used for social functions like sports banquets, fund raising entertainment, and one of the most important of all, our monthly mixers.  The mixer is a reward for students having no more than two (2) detentions or two (2) absences during the month.  Those eligible are allowed on mixer day, to go to the Redbird Cafe and enjoy themselves playing pinball, watching TV, or dancing to the music with Mr. Reach acting as the DJ.  There are soft drinks, candy, and popcorn to be purchased for twenty-five cents and enjoyed.  If a student wishes a little more activity, he or she may elect to go into the adjoining gym and play bombardment pitting the 7th grade students against the 8th grade students.  Students who do not qualify for this reward time attend a last period study hall supervised by teachers who help them catch up on their school lessons.

    We feel that the Redbird Cafe goes a long way in erasing that "closed campus" irritation from most students.  Do yourself a favor and drop by for a friendly meal, some pleasant music, and a pinball game or two if you are ever in our neighborhood.

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