Interactive Learning Sites

4 KIDS 4 Kids is a weekly feature published in newspapers all over North America. Designed for kids (and parents) to find fun, educational, and safe spots to visit the WWW.

BEAKMAN & JAX Stay and play and do Science Experiments. Questions, Answers, and Interactive Demos.

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Print and Color Sheets, WordFind Puzzles, and Maze Games. Learn about other children and their countries.

COLORING BOOKSCtK's list of Links to Coloring Books that you can print out and color.

KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE Grade School K thru 4th Grades. Go to your grade level and find activities, puzzles and games.

SCHOLASTIC Classroom Activities and Reproductibles, Feature Articles, Teacher Tips, and Strategies.

SCORE Lots of learning projects to reinforce the subject matter. For all ages. Helpful links and articles and parental discussions.

WHYY's Ready To Learn Site Channel 12's part in a nationwide effort by Public TV Stations to become a more comprehensive educational resource for parents, children teachers, and caregivers in our communities.

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