Squach's Collection of Original Poems

-----J. Allen Greiner

"Only One Out Here"

Every once in a while I feel I have awakened
I look around and see my life... and think
Most of the time I do this and I see myself alone
I see my life and notice I'm the only one out here.

I say awakened, I mean enlightened
As was said... I think... when I think, truly think, I see
I see, and it seems I see what no others can see
This is why I am alone

I'm left in solitude
I'm alone because I'm in front
Maybe above...
Or I could just be disillusioned

I'm out here, in the void
I see all as it is, or so it seems
No one else understands this
But how could they comprehend the void

In the void one sees all within
You stand seeing but not understanding
How could you, the mind is not that great
All do this, all see all, no one understands

Then I awaken, and as I look at it all
I see, I peer, I look, I almost...
I stand on the verge of comprehension, I pick up some
Then I see the nest, left behind seeing, not knowing

I notice that I'm the only one out here...
I search for another.

I stand around not knowing where 
Surrounded by a crowd of men.  
They notice my, they stand and stare 
I’m looking for a place to hide in. 
I feel their eyes they penetrate 
I see a door I try to flee. 
I run and run like I am late 
I reach the door but have to key 
I feel the pressure of their look 
They’re moving now, I know not why. 
And with the attention took 
They’re leaving me, I didn’t try. 
The moments gone 
embarr'ssment fall 
What made it leave was nothing at all.

Long slender 
Writing on paper 
From it imagination flows 

"A Revelation"
Surrounded by tumult you stand here unknowing.
You look and you look but you can’t see what’s coming.
A beast now descend here to show you his wrong way.
You follow It’s servants. You will wear their symbol.
They lead you, you follow. They lead you away from
The true one who watches. Who is and who has been.

The Beast comes in three parts, and so does the true one.
The Beast hurts the true one by gaining our worship.
Some of us don’t understand the truth about it.
They will be left behind when the rest have gone up.

Epic Haiku
In a cave I see
A far off light growing strong.
The light is the all.

From a distance comes
Many people to the light.
Most are left behind.

I will lay a path
Others can follow to the light.
My life is the path.

My path will now end.
Others must continue the path
To lead more to the light.

Followers grow strong.
Others will stagnate and perish,
While followers live.

Followers won’t die
Because the light will fill them.
Now the light leads them.

The light will lead them.
The followers will follow
The light into glory.

The light is glory.
The light is the A and Z
The light always is.

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