The Combat Handbook of Caid
Volume II
(Light Weapons, Combat Archery & Rapier Combat)

Second Edition



The Combat Handbook of the Kingdom of Caid Is a compilation of the Conventions and Standards used by Caid since Its Inception as a Kingdom and those Rules, Conventions and Standards put forth by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Standards, Conventions and Rules listed herein will become effective and enforceable upon the publication of this Handbook. Fighters are responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules of combat.

Any observations about the Handbook should be directed, in writing, to the Kingdom Earl Marshal for consideration or comment. Please note that although this Handbook may not be perfect, any "faults" found with the Rules of the lists, Standards or limitations may prove exceptionally difficult to change as many of these rulings are from Corporate and thus can only be changed by the Society Marshal.

Many thanks go to the following:

All the Earl Marshals who have preceded me and put into written and printed word the function of the Marshalate over the course of the SCA's twenty five year life.

Special Thanks to:

Sir Freewind Bahadur Khara Gendu, Deputy Earl Marshal for Light Weapons
Mistress Catarina della Zimarra Kingdom Mistress of Arts (and Rapier Combat enthusiast)
Count Lorel of Shrewsbury, Kingdom of Calontir Deputy Earl Marshal for Combat Archery
Master Tivar Moondragon, Deputy Society Marshal for Rapier Combat
Lady Felinah Memo Hazara Khan

Those that commented are to be commended:

Lord Alexander Baird
Lord Connor Sackett O'Neill
Lord Donn, son of Fergus
Lord Ottavio Datini
Lord Paganus Grlmlove
Lady Scannlach and Lord Focarta Faolmear

Lord Thomas Archer
Lord Vladmir Dracon
Lord Wilihelm Roderick Fitzlovel of Kerr
Lady Rowena le Sarjent
and the Shire of Southron Gaard

Master Shandon yar Mohamed Khan Earl Marshal of Caid

Cover Art by: Lord Fionnlaoch O'hAirt

Forward to the Second Edition:

This edition of the Combat Handbook, Volume II, features a major re-write of the Rapier Combat rules, some additions to the Heavy Weapons Combat Archery rules, new rules for Hand Darts (Other Projectiles combat), and a number of minor additions to the general rules of combat. There Is a separate handout for those who wish to hunt down each one of these changes. My thanks to Master Donn, son of Fergus and Lady Justina Marie of Burgundy for their great administrative efforts and their work In the re-write of the Rapier rules, and my thanks to all those warriors who shared their views with me, and suffered through my many discussions. My Lady-wife Toline deserves thanks for her understanding and support of my time spent In the efforts of marshaling (this revision being one). And of course the most thanks goes to Master Shandon, who built such a firm foundation with the First Edition of these rules, that even I could do no damage to them.

And to the fighters of Caid, may you all find pleasure and honor in your fighting and marshaling.

Eadric of Mansfield
Earl Marshal of Caid
August A.S.XXX

Table of Contents

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Caid Combat Handbook - Volume II 8/30/95

Webbed by Max S Fellwalker. Please direct all technical questions to